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Snow White BN vs Lemon Yellow blue eyed BN plecos

Trish S

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I wanted to add some Long finned Lemon yellow blue eyed plecos to my existing breeding colony. I recently ordered two but only one made it alive. It looks like a Snow White long fin and not a lemon yellow. The pic is of it is next to some of my short finned juveniles. Does anyone know the genetics and colors that would result in breeding Snow Whites and lemon yellow? 


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Lemons can get extremely pale depending on stress levels, foods being fed, other health factors.  I have found that if they stay pale for a long time, they often pass away with little warning even when I know they’re eating and we’re growing.  How long have you had the new one?  Is it still getting over shipping?

I haven’t been able to find any info online on the genetics of the new snow white morph and what might result from cross breeding with different morphs.  I do know that cross breeding different color morphs nearly always seems to result in browns since color for BN appears to be scattered across several alleles.  There are known to be 2 different strains of albino and crossing across strains results in browns that are het to both strains of albino.  Crossing lemons to super reds also gives you browns that are het to both colors.

Give this kiddo more time with good foods, consider deworming if not coloring up with time and good food.

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I found with my batches of lemon fry pale like that starvation is the primary cause. Even though it’s hard to see in the photo its body does not appear to have stored fat. It could have been being outcompeted for food before the fasting period for shipping, Like @Odd Duckmentioned if overfeeding to get them nutrition does not bring back color the fry/early juveniles that turn white like that often do not survive. I would put in solitary qt and overfeed veggies and high protein foods like fry foods etc. best of luck. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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It's a bit hard to tell from the picture but this might be a Snow White. If it's in general good health and has recovered from shipping stress but is white with bluish tints on the fins and on the body, it may be a snow white. You can compare to the photos on my most recent post. I'll add a picture of my female and a tiny fry here. As for genetics, I agree with @Odd Duck completely. If you cross them I'd be interested in an update in a year or two on the f1 x f1 cross 🙂


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