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If you could Discover any fish....


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Let's say you could picture a fish, any species, any variation, any coloration, what would your fish be? What is the fish you wish that you could walk into the local store and find?


I think for me.....  A very very very black Corydoras would be it.  I really cherish the ones I have, but a Black Cory that isn't a dark grey coloration or have splotches of other colors would be amazing.  I'd love to start with a panda Cory and slowly expand their black coloration until it was this unique, amazing pattern.

A close second would be a dark green / black variation of a green laser. Sometimes the green's come off like a yellow, but I really like that eemerald/dark aqua coloration that you see ssometimes.  Having that on a black corydoras would be awesome and make it pop.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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I’m going to be a child here for a moment. Imagine a narwhal looking nano fish, preferably a schooling fish as well. Can u imagine a bunch of teeny little narwhal looking fish in an aquarium. How perfect. They’ll have a sharp nub on their head and their either incredibly colorful with all the bright blues oranges pinks purples and reds. I bet fish keepers on the younger side would go nuts for something so cute!!

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On 10/20/2022 at 8:32 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Let's say you could picture a fish, any species, any variation, any coloration, what would your fish be? What is the fish you wish that you could walk into the local store and find?


I think for me.....  A very very very black Corydoras would be it.  I really cherish the ones I have, but a Black Cory that isn't a dark grey coloration or have splotches of other colors would be amazing.  I'd love to start with a panda Cory and slowly expand their black coloration until it was this unique, amazing pattern.

A close second would be a dark green / black variation of a green laser. Sometimes the green's come off like a yellow, but I really like that eemerald/dark aqua coloration that you see ssometimes.  Having that on a black corydoras would be awesome and make it pop.

A fish which breeds aplenty, and looks like an African Butterfly Fish, but swims in all regions the tank and has a dark blue colouring.

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On 10/20/2022 at 12:05 PM, Pepere said:

A bright metallic green nano fish.  Maybe like a chili rasbora, and again a bigger one like a cherry barb, but bright shimmery metailic green   Emerald like green.  But all over, all the time, not just a hint like on the Emerald Green cories.  

Maybe with a bit of iridescence?

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On 10/20/2022 at 3:05 AM, Pepere said:

A bright metallic green nano fish.  Maybe like a chili rasbora, and again a bigger one like a cherry barb, but bright shimmery metailic green   Emerald like green.  But all over, all the time, not just a hint like on the Emerald Green cories.  

This totally exists let me find a photo or something.  There is a few to choose from that might be really close to what you're thinking.

Edit:  This is what I was thinking about.  It's not a full bodied emerald green but totally fits the vibe in the right light and setting.

green neon tetras

Green Neon

Here is one that is slightly more green 🙂
Blue Neon Dwarf Rasbora. Would love some of these for the tank I'm setting  up! | Aquarium fish, Fish, Freshwater aquarium

I also saw a sparkling gourami with similar coloration as well, but not really that small nano size in the end 🙂

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On 10/20/2022 at 1:13 PM, Patrick_G said:

I’d love to see a medium sized puffer like a GSP but it’s freshwater, doesn’t need tooth trimming and doesn’t want to kill and eat everyone in the tank. Oh and not crazy expensive. Congo spotted puffers are great but $200-300 is steep!

Closest I can think of is Schoutedeni Puffer.  I don't know about their teeth, but maybe that's what you're looking for?  Cory had some previously and did a few videos on them.  I think Corvus and some others have some as well. 

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A Stiphodon species of goby that could be bred in home aquaria. Part of their life cycle is in saltwater, and they don't live all that long. So being able to breed them in the home aquarium would be awesome.

Same goes for nerites and amanos. Why must some of the coolest species need to be in the ocean at some point of their life cycle?

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On 10/20/2022 at 1:30 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Closest I can think of is Schoutedeni Puffer.  I don't know about their teeth, but maybe that's what you're looking for?  Cory had some previously and did a few videos on them.  I think Corvus and some others have some as well. 

Yup, they’re cool but $200-300. I’m also slightly weirded out by puffers with red eyes 😆

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On 10/20/2022 at 10:30 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Closest I can think of is Schoutedeni Puffer.  I don't know about their teeth, but maybe that's what you're looking for?  Cory had some previously and did a few videos on them.  I think Corvus and some others have some as well. 

For me Amazon Puffers shall always have a place in my heart!

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On 10/20/2022 at 4:13 PM, Patrick_G said:

I’d love to see a medium sized puffer like a GSP but it’s freshwater, doesn’t need tooth trimming and doesn’t want to kill and eat everyone in the tank. Oh and not crazy expensive. Congo spotted puffers are great but $200-300 is steep!


Ever considered the Avocado puffer? Stays under 4", is full freshwater, and run $40-60 depending on where you live/order. 

Unfortunately, they have the same attitude as GSPs (99% of them are jerks and don't play nice) and they do have the same beak care as GSPs and other puffers. That being said, attitude does vary by individual, and I've never had to trim a puffer beak by hand except for one I bought with an already overgrown beak.

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On 10/21/2022 at 11:48 AM, Patrick_G said:

@Chris, I was aware of the Avocado puffer, but now I’m going down the rabbit hole! I think they might be great with a school of Barbs. 

I think that may work! I'd do a smaller barb/cyprinid that doesn't nip but is fast enough to get out of the way if the puffer comes for them. Maybe a species of danio would be even better than barbs? A baby puffer might be intimidated by all the activity, but an adult may just ignore it/chase them on occasion.

I'd also imagine that if you wanted to keep more than one Avocado having an active schooling fish in with them would keep them from going after each other as much - puffers like to look at things, so a school of danios would probably hold their attention most of the time.

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On 10/21/2022 at 6:07 PM, Chris said:

I think that may work! I'd do a smaller barb/cyprinid that doesn't nip but is fast enough to get out of the way if the puffer comes for them. Maybe a species of danio would be even better than barbs? A baby puffer might be intimidated by all the activity, but an adult may just ignore it/chase them on occasion.

I'd also imagine that if you wanted to keep more than one Avocado having an active schooling fish in with them would keep them from going after each other as much - puffers like to look at things, so a school of danios would probably hold their attention most of the time.

I’d suggest either cherry barbs or a fun color variant of the Zebra Danio.

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