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A Pygmy Party! My 10 Gallon Office Tank Journal


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RR Results are... promising? The reduction in cyano is dramatic. There's still a few spots, but I think that was a function of my not making sure it was 100% submerged. I'm gonna see how those go for a week or so. If they start growing again, I'll do it again and weigh it down. But well... y'all be the judges.



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On 11/7/2022 at 12:43 PM, flyingcow said:

Found a Pygmy who passed away this morning. I could only account for 7 when I was cleaning, so I think they were already gone before I started. No sign of anything bad. Immediately tested Ammonia and Nitrite and found none. What a bummer.

Sorry to hear that. Any idea on what killed it?

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On 11/7/2022 at 10:09 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Sorry to hear that. Any idea on what killed it?

Don't know yet. I was messing with the filter flow when cleaning, and their body was right below the intake (Gonna install the sponge today), but I was only able to count 7 well before then. But now, I haven't been able to count 7 all morning, so I might be down two. 

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On 11/7/2022 at 4:11 PM, flyingcow said:

Don't know yet. I was messing with the filter flow when cleaning, and their body was right below the intake (Gonna install the sponge today), but I was only able to count 7 well before then. But now, I haven't been able to count 7 all morning, so I might be down two. 

Is the flow maybe abnormally strong? Do the pygmies seem to have difficulties swimming against the current?

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On 11/7/2022 at 10:14 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Is the flow maybe abnormally strong? Do the pygmies seem to have difficulties swimming against the current?

No, it's turned way down and they all seem happy. They do go over and play in it on once side of the tank, but then they just swim away and take a break. I think they do it for fun. I now have the outlet lower in the tank and pointed more upward, so its even less current than it was.

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On 11/7/2022 at 4:15 PM, flyingcow said:

No, it's turned way down and they all seem happy. They do go over and play in it on once side of the tank, but then they just swim away and take a break. I think they do it for fun. I now have the outlet lower in the tank and pointed more upward, so its even less current than it was.

Hmm 🤔...In that case it may just have been a weak fish. I can't really see anything apart from bad luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I woke up to a very lethargic cory hanging out in the front of the tank. I lost the Endler fry a few weeks ago. She started panicking near the top of the tank at night. I gave her a bit of food and she ate, but she was dead the next morning. I tested then, and all was normal. 

Now this little one is kinda dark in color and I thought was dead. He moved when I brought the net down, and he's still holding his fins up and occasionally moving. No nitites or ammonia, Nitrates are between 10 and 20. I am getting quite a bit of algae, so I'm gonna clean it up and do a water change even though it's testing well. I'm wondering if I'm back to too little flow in the tank.

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I rearranged the driftwood piece I have in there, and there's just a tiny bit more current hitting the center of the tank, and ever since I did that, I have seen all 7 together and active all over the tank!


...until they see me move, then they hide again.

It's becoming apparent to me that Pygmys like a bit of current. 

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On 12/4/2022 at 2:54 PM, flyingcow said:

I rearranged the driftwood piece I have in there, and there's just a tiny bit more current hitting the center of the tank, and ever since I did that, I have seen all 7 together and active all over the tank!


...until they see me move, then they hide again.

It's becoming apparent to me that Pygmys like a bit of current. 

They’re more midwater swimming fish than bottom-dwellers supposedly.

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On 12/4/2022 at 10:05 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

They’re more midwater swimming fish than bottom-dwellers supposedly.

When they are active, they definitely make their way higher than other Corys, but they still spend most of their day in the plants or on the bottom.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I did another thing to get the Corys to chill out a bit. I decided it is no longer going to be a species tank and they got some friends!


As the Embers were settling in, the Pygmys held an emergency session of the Corydoras Congress and elected a chairfish of the welcoming committee.


This brave intrepid minichonk went right over to meet the neighbors and reported back to the other corys that they came in peace. Very shortly thereafter, all 7 corys were out playing with their new friends! 

I think the main problem with these little guys may be the tank location. It's very near my office door, and I have to walk VERY close to the tank every time I come in the office. Fortunately, the tank is on a wheelie cart, so either this evening or tomorrow, I'm gonna do a good water change and move the whole thing about 3 feet facing a different wall.


Incredible, portable fish heads!

I'm hoping this helps as well. I'm gonna try to clip out most of the last of the cyano, and half of me wants to leave the hair algae on the driftwood since it looks so cool right now!



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Operation Fishie Relocation complete! Cleaned quite a lot of mulm out of the tank and checked the (still mostly clean) filter. I did squeeze out the pre-filters for the first time, though.


Hopefully the Pygmys will freak out less when I walk into the room now. Need to figure out a better solution than the massive extension cord...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm really not happy with how things are going in this tank. The pygmys just hide and if they are out and I come within site, they panic and run in to things. I found a dead pygmy lodged in the pre-filter sponge. I'm pretty sure it swam into it rather than died and floated in. I think the next step is swap the tank to a 20 long to give them more space. The filter can tale it, and the tank is on sale right now. Any other thoughts on what I can do to make them happier? They seem otherwise healthy, and the ember tetras are happy as larks.

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pygmy hiding is not unusual; after three years and a forest as thick as a jungle my pygmy will sometime come out if i ask them very nicely and give them their favorite food but they prefer to be where they can't see me.  That is the nature of pygmy. One solution i seen that people suggest is just don't give them a place to hide but i don't like that idea. As to deaths; i had a few 3 years ago when if first got hem but bulk of them were fine and are still fine today.

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Well I decided that the 10 gallon in the corner just wasn't doing it for me... damn you Petco 50% off sale making a 20 long only $25. 


Moving a planted tank into a new tank is hard you guys! I'm freakin spent!

The hope is eventually increasing the Pygmy school size. Although... I had 8 and lost 2. I swear I counted 7 when I got them out of the tank today... I might be wrong.

Edited by flyingcow
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On 1/2/2023 at 1:01 PM, flyingcow said:

Well I decided that the 10 gallon in the corner just wasn't doing it for me... damn you Petco 50% off sale making a 20 long only $25. 


Moving a planted tank into a new tank is hard you guys! I'm freakin spent!

The hope is eventually increasing the Pygmy school size. Although... I had 8 and lost 2. I swear I counted 7 when I got them out of the tank today... I might be wrong.

Was going to go get the 30 or 60 cube from Petsmart... but it isn't included in the sale 😞

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Yea i've been suckered thta way. Start with a 5; upgrade to a 10 for $10 but then need $$$$ light; then get sucked into a 20 long for $25 but then need a $$$$$$$ light; then after a while get sucked into a 40B for only $40 plus $$$$$$$ light; then after a while get sucked into a ..... sigh.


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On 1/3/2023 at 3:03 AM, anewbie said:

Yea i've been suckered thta way. Start with a 5; upgrade to a 10 for $10 but then need $$$$ light; then get sucked into a 20 long for $25 but then need a $$$$$$$ light; then after a while get sucked into a 40B for only $40 plus $$$$$$$ light; then after a while get sucked into a ..... sigh.


ohhhh yeah. the tank was only $25, and lets face it, the Fluval 107 I had on a 10 gallon was comical, so it's a better fit on this tank.

...but the Plant 3.0... whoops...

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I've had my pygmies for about a year, when I first got them, they did seem to swim around a bit and definitely took some naps on the sword leaves, but unfortunately that tank ended up getting super overgrown and jungle-ly and I honestly thought I had lost them all because I never saw them...ever. After re-scaping, I do see them more now (surprise, they were there all along) but, they have "carved" out their own little cave under/behind one of my lava rocks and they hang there most of the time...I do see them during dinner time and right before the lights go completely out, but outside of that, they are under that rock, or hanging with the otos under the heater 🙂

I wouldn't worry too much if they're hiding, mine definitely seem to enjoy a little hide and seek - but, an absolutely great "excuse" to get a 20L...I just got one too, and I love it!! I was going to give it to my in-laws, but I may "sacrifice" one of my 10g tanks for them and keep the 20L for me 😄

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On 1/3/2023 at 2:33 PM, DebSills said:

I've had my pygmies for about a year, when I first got them, they did seem to swim around a bit and definitely took some naps on the sword leaves, but unfortunately that tank ended up getting super overgrown and jungle-ly and I honestly thought I had lost them all because I never saw them...ever. After re-scaping, I do see them more now (surprise, they were there all along) but, they have "carved" out their own little cave under/behind one of my lava rocks and they hang there most of the time...I do see them during dinner time and right before the lights go completely out, but outside of that, they are under that rock, or hanging with the otos under the heater 🙂

I wouldn't worry too much if they're hiding, mine definitely seem to enjoy a little hide and seek - but, an absolutely great "excuse" to get a 20L...I just got one too, and I love it!! I was going to give it to my in-laws, but I may "sacrifice" one of my 10g tanks for them and keep the 20L for me 😄

Yeah, they are back to hiding after the afternoon of novelty wore off, but if I stay still, they come out to play with the Ember Tetras. The big thing is they are no longer slamming against the glass when I walk by. Now they just duck back behind a plant. Success! I think I need more Pygmys now...

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