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Algae-Eater with Aggressive Betta?


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I have a wonderful betta that does not get along with our mystery snail.  Is there any kind of algae-eater that I could keep with him in a five-gallon aquarium?  Obviously, I don't want any other critter to get picked on by our betta.  I'm just wondering if there is something else that might work? TIA!

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On 9/26/2022 at 1:05 AM, JessicaK said:

I have a wonderful betta that does not get along with our mystery snail.  Is there any kind of algae-eater that I could keep with him in a five-gallon aquarium?  Obviously, I don't want any other critter to get picked on by our betta.  I'm just wondering if there is something else that might work? TIA!

I would try one of the small snail species, like ramshorns or trumpets

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Perhaps what was said like a smaller snail or something however you could also possibly try introducing whatever you wanted in the tank such as the algae eater using a similar method to how bettas are bred and place him in in a clear glass of some kind so he is protected from the betta and the betta gets used to him before you remove the container, this will show you how the betta reacts to company. Another strategy might be to remove all inhabitants, change the tank around, then reintroduce them at the same time to make sure it’s not territorial 

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Joining the chorus on the nerites!

My betta likes to flare at the two that I have in my 5 gallon tank, and sometimes he'll get a bit huffy with them, but they're big enough that they're totally unfazed. They keep the tank spotless... until they lay eggs everywhere and add the spots back in. But they're really easy to remove so I think it's a fair trade off.

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