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So the tank has been set up for 5 days now. I just did about a gallon water change just to suck up a bit of the "unnecessary gunk". Topped of with fresh water with prime. As well as some fritz zyme 7. I use both of these in all of my tanks. Personally I have found the fritz zyme to do a better job.

As well my bacter ae arrived today so I did a first round of that for the week. I know from what many have told me that a dose that is recommended is way to much at once so I went with about 25 percent of that to see how it goes. The snails are adjusting well to there new home. Still have not decided on names yet.








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Just picked up a 2.5 gal tank today at dollar a gallon sale at the big box store. Going to use it for plant qt for the new shrimp tank. Now if the temps would just ease up a bit so I can get the mosses and plants ordered.

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So I ordered a new light for shrimp tank today. The one on it is actually my spare 29 gal tank light. If course way to much light for only a ten gallon . As well as a light and lid for the new plant qt tank for the plants I will order soon for the shrimp tank. The Java ferns and Java moss are doing well so far. The new mystery snails are enjoying there new home and have been very active so far.

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So got the new light for the shrimp tank today. First time giving the aquaneat lights a try. As well got the light and lid for the 2.5 gal plant qt tank as well. So as soon as these temps come down a bit I can hopefully order the mosses I want to get.



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On 6/18/2022 at 7:31 AM, TeeJay said:

I've seen them hanging on the wood more than anyplace.

If the wood is new, it’s probably making biofilm. They like to eat that. If you see anything white and slimy, leave it there. It’s good protein and fiber for them. 🙂 

The light looks great and the tank’s really shaping up!

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On 6/18/2022 at 10:18 PM, Anjum said:

@TeeJay what's the plant right in the center of the 2nd tank, with the large rounded leaves? 

Tanks are really coming along! 

That's a red flame sword. Got it from the co op. That tank is my guppy grow out tank. It also has my Cory's in it that I'm getting ready to go into my main 29gal.

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@Chick-In-Of-TheSeaWell the usual easy green and potassium for the ferns  then a few root tabs for the sword. The plants in that tank have only been in there about a month. So shouldn't be to long till we see some growth. I figure the sword will get pretty big so it's the centerpiece. With a few real slow growers sprinkled in.

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So put in an order to the co op today for 3 nano sponge filters, air stones, catappa leaves and a gang valve to the shrimp tank. My plan is to double stack 2 nanos in the back left corner and rebuild the slate cave to conceal it. More surface are double stacking for the shrimp to graze on. Then hook up one co op air pump to run them both. 

I really like the co op air pumps.very quite and strong enough to run 2-3 sponges at once. Had my first power outage from a thunderstorm a few days ago and the transition to battery powered seamlessly. Power was out about 4 hours and still has about half battery life left.

At the end of the week I'll be ordering some Java moss, suswassertang, a few red root floaters and Java fern narrow mini.

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Nice Neo setup TeeJay...I really like the wood.  I've been following the progress of this thread as I'm in my 3rd week of neo shrimp keeping. Good on ya for waiting until the tank is ready.  I had my 10 gallon shrimp tank running for about 7 months before I added shrimp. It was seeded from my larger tank and then used as a fry grow out tank until it was ready for shrimp. I wanted to make sure it had a good supply of biofilm before adding neos. They must be pretty happy, because I already have 3 females that are berried. Keep up the good work!

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So it's been a week now since I started using the bacter ae to help build up the biofilm in the shrimp tank. So this evening I am putting in another half dose of what the recommend. Mostly what is built up in the tank so far is just what I put in when I cleaned my other sponge filters and added into the tank. 

Next week I may bump it up to a full scoop and see how it does. The Jace ferns and moss I added in about a week ago as well are doing good so far. I figured they would since they came from my established 29gal tank. Only difference is no heat in the shrimp tank. With no heat the temp has been staying 73.5-74.5. I would like for it to be a bit cooler but I think it will do ok. I haven't noticed any big temp swings even with running my ac.  Both mystery snails seem to be enjoying there new home as well. I have some ramshorn snails in the way as well from @FishPlanet. As soon as they get here I'll let everyone know.


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I’m so glad they enjoyed them. I like to feed the rainbow.  Sweet potatoes, bell peppers, kale (great source of calcium). I do avoid spinach, though high in calcium the iron binds the calcium somehow making it not so useful ( my exotics vet explained that for my bearded dragon so I don’t fully understand it i just run with it 🤣)

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On 6/22/2022 at 7:12 AM, Guppysnail said:

I’m so glad they enjoyed them. I like to feed the rainbow.  Sweet potatoes, bell peppers, kale (great source of calcium). I do avoid spinach, though high in calcium the iron binds the calcium somehow making it not so useful ( my exotics vet explained that for my bearded dragon so I don’t fully understand it i just run with it 🤣)

Yes I e heard that about spinach. Not sure how it works either  next up will be some bell peppers.

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On 6/22/2022 at 7:26 AM, Guppysnail said:

Oooohhh…bell peppers are crazy fun. You get yellow, red orange and green snowflake snail poo everywhere 🤣

So what I hear you saying is it will be Christmas in July in my tanks! 🤣

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