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Mixing WCMM breeds

Native Keeper

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Hello everyone!

I've recently found myself in an interesting situation.

Currently, my grandfather has 6 Golden White Cloud Minnows in a 29g tank. I have noticed that some of them are fin nipping, which means that there isn't enough members to disperse aggression. However, the only place where I can buy GWCMMs (Petco) has seemingly stopped carrying them at the store. But I have a solution, but I want to check with yall just to be safe. 

my local Petsmart frequently carries regular WCMMs. So I'm think I'll buy him some of those instead. Though I am slightly concerned that it may cause issues since they're different morphs, so here's my question:

can you mix different colored WCMMs? Or will it cause issues?

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Thirding that.  Only issue might be crossbreeding, but in a social group they should work out just fine with one another.  I've seen them kept together at LFSs, both the gold and regular WCMM in the same tanks for sales, and from what I've seen in that situation, they appear to readily shoal with one another.

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