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UK - check your temps


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We don't get these issues very often but take some time today to check the tank temps, my nano tank had jumped up by 4 degrees today. Larger tanks temps are stable enough happily. 

I did a partial change a added an airstone to the nano so hopefully it should make it through. I don't complain about being warm but as I live in the soggy northwest I do have to take time to remember how to deal with it. 

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On 7/20/2022 at 6:58 AM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

Good luck over there.  I hope you and those you know are coming through this well. 

From me too.  I'm accustomed to the high temperatures y'all are getting, but we also have air conditioning in pretty much all homes and businesses.

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On 7/20/2022 at 12:19 PM, Flumpweesel said:

Thanks we made in it,  I'm fortunate it takes quite awhile for my house to heat up the sitting room stays quite cool. So we had 3 days of high 30s (I think we peaked at 39C so that's about 102F ). Grabbed the beach wear and mainly ate ice lollys

I wish this was the case for me.  Walls suck in the new house 😞

seeing 90's here is "a cooler day"


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On 7/20/2022 at 2:19 PM, Flumpweesel said:

Grabbed the beach wear and mainly ate ice lollys

What a wonderfully British way to sate that.  Love it!

Glad you made it through @Flumpweesel, and that your house was a help.  Many of the older buildings in Europe have much more substantial walls than our balloon-framed, matchstick houses here.  Just might be the saving grace with the changes coming.  At least I hope that will help. 

On 7/20/2022 at 9:28 AM, JettsPapa said:

we also have air conditioning in pretty much all homes and businesses

It's funny, in my experience it's a running gag from nearly all of my European friends that "Americans love their air-conditioning!", said with a nod and a wink.  But during the midst of this heatwave, one of my German friends, who I've know since high school, sent me a message out of the blue saying "Okay, now I get it.  No more jokes about your precious air-conditioning.  It is the greatest invention of all time!"  I think it must have been bad over where he is to get him to that point. 

Glad this one has passed. 

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On 7/22/2022 at 6:54 AM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

It's funny, in my experience it's a running gag from nearly all of my European friends that "Americans love their air-conditioning!", said with a nod and a wink.  But during the midst of this heatwave, one of my German friends, who I've know since high school, sent me a message out of the blue saying "Okay, now I get it.  No more jokes about your precious air-conditioning.  It is the greatest invention of all time!"  I think it must have been bad over where he is to get him to that point. 

Glad this one has passed. 

It's not all Americans.  I still remember when I was working for a beekeeper back in the late 90's.  The company is based about 1-1/2 miles from my house, but at that time they had a satellite operation in North Dakota, so we'd go up there to work during the summer and early fall.  One year when I was there we were sitting around eating lunch in early September and listening to the radio, and the news came on.  They announced that the schools were letting out at noon due to the heat ( it was 100°, which due to the low humidity was comfortable for those from southeast Texas).  We all sat there laughing about it, until some of the people who lived there told us that the schools, and most of the homes, in that area don't have AC.

On the other hand, while we were laughing about them not being able to deal with the heat, I'm sure they would be astonished at how everything here shuts down if we get 1/4" of snow.

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On 7/22/2022 at 8:17 AM, JettsPapa said:

We all sat there laughing about it, until some of the people who lived there told us that the schools, and most of the homes, in that area don't have AC.

Totally!  This is a big, beautiful, and amazingly diverse nation.  I've spent time in 48 of the states, and lived in 7.  I'm still astonished at the differences everywhere.  When I lived in Arizona without A/C, I did alright, but here in Minnesota where I also don't have it (indeed I've never lived in a house in MN with A/C), it feels like a cruel joke.  I've spent at least a little time in most majors cities in Texas (though I've never been to Austin - somehow I've missed the capitol 🤷‍♂️), and I've got to say I think the heat + humidity in SE Texas would break me.  I spent a June in and around the Beaumont area and that was all I needed to know that. 

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On 7/22/2022 at 8:17 AM, JettsPapa said:

They announced that the schools were letting out at noon due to the heat ( it was 100°, which due to the low humidity was comfortable for those from southeast Texas).  We all sat there laughing about it, until some of the people who lived there told us that the schools, and most of the homes, in that area don't have AC.

There was a week straight in high school where we were let out a few hours early because the AC couldn't keep up adequately. So I went from sitting in a building with AC that was running, but not keeping the building in the 70s, to walking almost 1.5 miles home in the heat to a house that actually had no AC. I'm sure it was helpful for the kids who drove home or had a ride and had AC at home, but I was miffed.

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On 7/27/2022 at 7:00 AM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

Totally!  This is a big, beautiful, and amazingly diverse nation.  I've spent time in 48 of the states, and lived in 7.  I'm still astonished at the differences everywhere.  When I lived in Arizona without A/C, I did alright, but here in Minnesota where I also don't have it (indeed I've never lived in a house in MN with A/C), it feels like a cruel joke.  I've spent at least a little time in most majors cities in Texas (though I've never been to Austin - somehow I've missed the capitol 🤷‍♂️), and I've got to say I think the heat + humidity in SE Texas would break me.  I spent a June in and around the Beaumont area and that was all I needed to know that. 

There was a mother and several of her daughters (it's been 25 years, so I don't remember if it was two or three) who worked with us up there.  The last summer I was there one of the daughters had pre-enlisted in the Air Force, and was to report for basic training the following June . . . in San Antonio . . . after spending her whole life in North Dakota.  I often wondered how that worked out for her.

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