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How many angels in a 33g?


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Hi! We had a several-day power outage a month ago, and a few of my corys disappeared during that time. I suppose they died and were eaten by my other fishies. I’m moving the remaining 6 cherry barbs into a 10 gallon just for them. A lot of people say 20g in a minimum size for cherries, but from my experience, they seem to inhabit a smaller area than my 33g tank provides (12”W x 30”L x 22”H). I think they will be displayed better in a smaller planted tank, and just as happy with the six of them, at least for the time being. After I remove them, what remains in the 33g will be 1 BN pleco and 3 corys.

All this to say, I want to take a stab at angels now that my tank is freeing up. Should I get 1? A pair? More than that? How are angels best kept, in your experience?

Oh, and this is my tank as of today:

Thanks y’all!

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I think you can go with a few more but get a variety that stay smaller there are so many out there. Check out the long nose Angelfish. I read about them once and they were not right for me but I do remember they are one of the smallest angels. The have a Scientific name or a more common name but I’m sure google or someone here knows them well. No long fin varieties.

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On 7/18/2022 at 9:43 PM, Brandon p said:

I think you can go with a few more but get a variety that stay smaller there are so many out there.

Do you mean like 4? 6?

On 7/17/2022 at 9:39 PM, Struggle said:

A pair would do great in that tank. 

How do you acquire a pair? Do you buy already paired adults? Or do get 6-8 juveniles and rehome all the fish except a single pair?

On 7/18/2022 at 9:43 PM, Brandon p said:

Check out the long nose Angelfish.

These might work, but I’d have to check availability and price.

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It is very unlikely the cory were completely eaten as their ecoskeleton is quite hard. You should find some remains if they died. Anyway you can start with several juveniles - such as 4 or 6 and when a pair forms then remove the others. A 33 is pretty small so 1 pair would take up most of the aquarium and not leave much room for any other substantial fishes. Also angels prefer it warmish; 78 is good. You can't have smaller tetra like ember in there once the angels become adults as they will become fish food and the tank is not really large enough for larger tetras. 


The only 'small' angle fishes are leopold but they are quite a bit more aggressive and less common; also require a bit more specialized care than domestic breeds. Other than that females and runts are smaller than adult males. You really don't want a runt.

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On 7/19/2022 at 11:37 AM, anewbie said:

It is very unlikely the cory were completely eaten as their ecoskeleton is quite hard.

You’re probably right. Though I do have a track-record of fish disappearing out of my tanks (a few other corys, and some WCMMs). I thought maybe they jumped, but there’s never remains on the floor. Besides, my lid is pretty tight. But it’s also possible I sucked up the remains when I did a water change without realizing it. I’ll probably never know.

On 7/19/2022 at 11:37 AM, anewbie said:

You really don't want a runt.

Haha no. I like the big angels anyway. 1 pair of koi or black/orange would be super cool. I think that’s what I’m gonna do.


Thanks for all the info! 🙂

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@anewbiepretty much summed it up as I was typing. I think the Leopoldi “long nose”would but cost prohibitive starting at $30 and many are wild caught. I’m not sure if by pair you just mean 2 fish or a mating pair. You my want to keep just females as they are smaller. Im not sure of the dimensions of the 33g but it appears to be pretty tall. Angels can get very big. The fins are part of the issue that I think people worry about because I have some that I am not super happy having in the 55 because of the height of the tank. I love angels have several breeding pairs and think they would be beautiful in your tank. There are no hard set rules on fish sizes and tanks lots of a opinions and some common sense. I would not ideally not keep just one and six is probably to many. I could see 4 but that is a decision you have to make. If you do go with more I strong suggest not to keep more than one male.  Good luck angels are great.


sorry you post as I posted. Good choice

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On 7/19/2022 at 12:17 PM, Brandon p said:

I’m not sure if by pair you just mean 2 fish or a mating pair. You my want to keep just females as they are smaller.

I meant mating pair, but I didn’t consider all females. That might be cool. Is it possible to tell the sex of juveniles?

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A mating pair is cool and you can buy them and they can be expensive. It’s hard to sex them as young. I would talk to a LFS icf you have one and explain what yb bejkykiiiikkki ou want. They my work with you and take back the ones you don’t want. Some will and some won’t. They may have something that are big enough to sex or make a educated guess. I would ask. I would also check if you have a local fish club because people in them can be very helpful in all aspects from sexing to actually getting the fish.  I can tell you the way I do it. I would get in your case 8 dime or quarter size fish ccand let them start to grow and watch them and see if some start to pair off or you see males  that you wound like to get rid of and take be ke them back to the LFS, donate to the club or offer free online or to friends.  I hope this helps some. I’m very sorry it if this a a little tuff to read. I been writing for several hours and keep falling asleep. If you have any questions I will do my best to answer a little later. 



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On 7/19/2022 at 11:25 AM, FyaNyan said:

I meant mating pair, but I didn’t consider all females. That might be cool. Is it possible to tell the sex of juveniles?

The best way to get a mating pair is to buy 6 and then remove the extra when they mature. It takes 9 to 14 months for dime size angels to mature and pair up. It is extremely difficult to sex youngsters; i can do it to a degree with the ones i breed when they get to around 1/2 dollar size but the ones i've bred have specific traits that identify their sex. Genetics for angels are rather complex and broad so it can be difficult to sex even random adults.

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On 7/19/2022 at 8:44 AM, FyaNyan said:

Do you mean like 4? 6?

How do you acquire a pair? Do you buy already paired adults? Or do get 6-8 juveniles and rehome all the fish except a single pair?

These might work, but I’d have to check availability and price.

I’d take my chances and buy a pair if I only had I aquarium to put them in. 

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On 7/19/2022 at 3:34 PM, Brandon p said:

I would talk to a LFS icf you have one

I do have a LFS, thankfully, and I know they take in fish. (I dropped off a bothersome blue gourami with them). When I purchased my BN plecos for breeding. They said they would trade one in if it ended up being the wrong sex. In that situation I ended up with a male and female, which was perfect, but I know they seem to work with customers.

I am going to the LFS after work today and will see prices and such. I’ll probably talk to someone and make a choice of what I’m going to do. I have a feeling I’ll buy 6 juveniles. Depends on what I see.

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Here is one of the 2 pairs I got from 12. The rest are in the 75 and I game 2 more males away. There are really more males I than I would like but there are 4 of 6 in that 75 and one deformed cull the kids made me save. The top pair the male is a long fin platinum and his fins leave little room in a 55gal. 
EC951118-DF46-4727-93EF-92F040810FBC.jpeg.fcd81dc60ace2577db526649908ade0d.jpeg7950E269-7D2B-4804-9874-5CB280895E34.jpeg.733455aebb404c1c73958d6aa94b5785.jpegI would watch some of Dean the master breeders co-op videos on angelfish. If you goal is to breed or just learn about angelfish. They are the most plug and play fish I think. 
please forgive me we’re you keeping other fish in with the angels? 

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On 7/21/2022 at 11:02 AM, Brandon p said:

 please forgive me we’re you keeping other fish in with the angels? 

I have a BN pleco and 3 corys. I had more corys, but they disappeared. Honestly can’t say what happened to them. I don’t plan on getting more corys though because I don’t think they’re right for me at the moment. The pleco is doing phenomenal though! He loves his driftwood! I had cherry barbs in there—they were nice and healthy—but I moved them into another tank to make room for angels.


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On 7/21/2022 at 9:36 PM, Brandon p said:

glad you did. You can make. Journal post and we can watch them grow

I’ll do that!

They are quarter to half-dollar sized now. The store didn’t sell smaller ones, so I that’s what I got. Is that around the size they begin to pair up? I got a black, a white, two striped, and two gold. Not sure the morphs. LFS said they are from a local breeder who produces healthy and hearty fish.

A few fins look a possibly look a teeny bit torn, which I didn’t notice in the store, but there’s no sign of illness, and I’ve got meds on hand and a QT tank if things go awry. They all seem bright and healthy and beg for food. It’s pretty funny! They have such interesting personalities and are not scared.

Basically what I’m saying: angels are cool. 🙂 Here’s a pic. I’ll make a journal and post better pictures and the names of all the fish! (Yeah, I already named them).


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It won’t be long before you can sex them. That size is ok. I like to watch them grow. Sorry  this is blurry but this is the 1/4 I left with the parents to raise some. I had to move something and sand is everywhere. They kept moving in the way the parents. I love angels since I was a kid. Discus is my favorite but angels and silver dollars and, and so on.   You might gets some cool looking fish. I’m upset my platinum pair is not having luck withe the male or female the eggs are having poor c poor % fertilization inthink48E3A8CA-7BE8-4485-AE57-8DEEB551DCCF.jpeg.854d4c5735c8b8104cdc82116eddca83.jpeg

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