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Fins splitting

Michele brown

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3yr old goldfish in 75 gal with two 8 mo old goldfish. His top fin had a small tear a few weeks ago. I purchased the Fritz paraclease and maracyn. I treated the entire tank with the 2 plus inch-x 5 days ago. I noticed some of his larger tail fins are splitting now. Not as bad as the top fins. The 2 younger fish look healthy. One has a minor spilt. The 3 yr old is active when I’m around but mostly rests in the corner. The 2 younger are active but will cuddle with the 3yr at times. I have two 75 gal hob and two sponge filters. I do a 50% water change weekly. I’ve treated the tank on and off with prazipro because one of the younger ones came with worms and I’m not sure if they’re completely gone.  Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, ph 7.6, gh 12 drops, kh 6 drops. Im emotionally taxed.  Id appreciate any thoughts or advice.





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Besides something sharp, is there a possibility that their fins are getting caught in the uplift tubes of your HOBs? I would suggest using pre-filter sponges if you have not already. These will help by preventing their fins from getting sucked in the uplift tubes. 

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I thought the same. So I removed some wood that had edges. I have filter sponge over both intakes on setup of the tank.  Otherwise there’s just plants in the tank, nothing sharp. The medications I’ve used, is it enough to treat fin rot if that’s the cause? Should I retreat after 7 days?  I know antibiotics can make them weak and not feel good, but when would I know what I’m doing isn’t working and I need to intervene? 

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On 7/15/2022 at 7:43 PM, Michele brown said:

The medications I’ve used, is it enough to treat fin rot if that’s the cause? Should I retreat after 7 days?  I know antibiotics can make them weak and not feel good, but when would I know what I’m doing isn’t working and I need to intervene? 

There's a lot that can go into treating fin rot.  The long story short is that it's a "gram negative" bacteria and it might not respond to some meds.  Above you can find the articles to help guide you and hopefully that puts you at ease for how to do so.  Please feel free to ask questions if need be.  One of the biggest causes of something like this can simply be stress, so finding the source of that stress is important. Most commonly it's flow.  A video of the tank and fish behavior notes might help diagnose the issue as well.

Neoplex has been recommended on a livestream as a specific med that will handle gram negative bacteria.  If the rot develops into a more critical stage and you don't see progress you might want to give that a try.

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