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Goodeid fry


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On 6/18/2022 at 9:11 AM, Barbvday said:

Guys… I did not realized how MASSIVE goodeid fry got. I was shocked and it took me a while to realize that these random fish the size of a juvenile guppy were babies!

here they are swimming next to coral red pencilfish


Awesome! What species of Goodeid are they??

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On 6/19/2022 at 7:12 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@Barbvdaycan you tell me a little about your setup for them? I have a group coming from Greg Sage this Wednesday and want to fine tune my setup if I can.

I have them in a 75 gallon tank with live plants (amazons, vallisneria, Anubias barteri and bucephalandra) also have water sprite and Hygroryza as floating plants.

they do hang out on the top section of the tank so I think floating plants help a lot…


PH is around 7.4

Hardness is 150

kh 120

temp 82

nitrates around 40 ppm

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On 6/19/2022 at 11:01 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@BarbvdayAre they on their own? Any tank mates? Filtration and flow?

I only got a pair (and now the babies) since I got them at an auction in a local group.

they’re in there with coral red pencilfish, one angelfish, super red L/F bristlenose, rainbow cichlids and mystery snails.

I have an FX4 so flow is heavy on one end and they don’t seem to mind.

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On 6/19/2022 at 4:12 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@Barbvdaycan you tell me a little about your setup for them? I have a group coming from Greg Sage this Wednesday and want to fine tune my setup if I can.

Ooh what are you getting??! I have my eye on Z. tequila from him...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

Blue tail goodeid fry is probably one of the larger fry of the goodeid species that I have kept, and they only have a few at a time. The adults get quite large as well, I have some that are pushing 3 inches. If you are keeping them, or any other goodeids in a community type tank, I would watch them closely with some fish, and especially corydoras. I had a group in a 40 breeder tank with some Venezuelanus cory and every so often I would find a dead cory in the tank. Then, one day i watched one of the big females go down and nail the cory a couple of times. At my next local fish club meeting I was talking to a guy who has spawned a bunch of different goodeids and he told me that he has had them do that as well and that was most likely why I was finding dead cory in my tank. So, I pulled all the cory cats out of my goodeid tanks and now I have a single or a pair of some strain of bristlenose pleco in each of my goodeid tanks. 

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