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Cleaning Lid


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This is the first clear lid I've had. I I got it about 2 months ago. I'm sure this is very common, especially with hard water like mine, but it has developed a build up. I usually clean glass with a vinegar and water mixture but that's not getting it off. I super duper hesitate to use anything stronger. My main concern is the light getting through to the plants. Any suggestions on how to clean this?


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Spray or pour vinegar on straight and let sit for 3-5 minutes but don’t let dry. I use melamine algae pads or a no scratch plastic pot scrubber. Rinse, dry repeat as needed. It takes a couple goes but will get the job done. Mine get worse than that. Sometimes it takes 5-6 goes. Hope that helps. 

Oh if that does not work use cleaning vinegar at 6% acidity vs standard distilled white at 5%. It seems to help a little but nothing earth shattering. 

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On 6/8/2022 at 6:44 AM, Cinnebuns said:

I super duper hesitate to use anything stronger. My main concern is the light getting through to the plants. Any suggestions on how to clean this?

I just use a paper towel and take it to the sink if I have a lot of muck to clean up.  If it's "bad" I have a dish sponge I use that is fish only for hard surfaces like that.  Cannot recommend it enough, have a sponge and a toothbrush that is fish only.  I use them almost every cleaning now in my tanks.

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On 6/8/2022 at 11:59 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I think I've given up on mine. It's a hood and it has a bit of a texture to it. There's so much buildup on there.

You don't have to give up. Soak a paper towel or dishtowel in white vinegar or cleaning vinegar and let it sit on the area to be cleaned for a while. 

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On 6/8/2022 at 5:46 PM, PineSong said:

You don't have to give up. Soak a paper towel or dishtowel in white vinegar or cleaning vinegar and let it sit on the area to be cleaned for a while. 

To be fair.... I've given up on one of my lids.... because I can see through the hinge to the inside of the tank. 😂


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On 6/8/2022 at 11:35 PM, ChargerstoLA said:

Do you guys think the buildup actually does affect the light getting to the plants ?just wondering how often I should be scrubbing mine down. 

Yes. It does.  I would recommend bi-weekly. Once a month. Something like that.  The more surface agitation you have, the more often you should do it.

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For the outside- I use a scotch brite pad an some aquarium water and maybe a razor blade if has been a while and they are pretty bad.   After drying off  I use my mag float.  Does a nice job on the inside and helps some with outside.  

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