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Angelfish Breeding Question


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I have a few questions about Angelfish and egg-laying. 

How often do they lay? Had a pair in the 80's that layer every Saturday when I would work. 

I'm asking since Angels left 1 clutch of eggs on Saturday (which were unfortunately eaten overnight that day), now one layed another clutch on my second  filter 3 days later. At least this time I can guess which pair, as the pair in the photo are chasing the other angels to the far end of the tank. Haven't been able to get to a local store to pick a small piece of slate (or similar) that I could remove if they lay on it...

I don't imagine these will make it in a community tank with some minnows, tetra and rasboras. Would bristlenose plecos and Nerite snail's be a danger for the eggs as well?

I have a 20G High tank with 4 swordtails, and smaller fish (cardinal tetras, ember tetras and celestial pearl danios) that I might be able to move the slate to and try to isolate in a netted nursery. 

Suggestions welcome, hope they keep laying.



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When my angels are in laying mode they’ll lay every 10-14 days but I have to heavily feed to get them there. If it was me, I would relocate the fish that are in the 20H and move the pair in there if I wanted to try and raise fry, below is how I’m currently hatching / raising. You may be able to get the parents to raise some of the fry in the tank with them as well, I just don’t have very good luck with that.

1) Pull the slate with eggs on it once the pair is done laying.

2) Place the slate in a specimen container with methylene  blue and air moving across them. I put them in RODI water but it’ll work ok with tank water.

3) Change the water out with aged, dechlorinated tap water right before they hatch.

4) Once free swimming or close to it they go in a gallon pickle jar with a sponge bottom and sponge top that has a uplift tube. The air is moving very slowly to draw freshwater in. This jar is in a 20H with the water level over the top sponge and airlift tube.

5) Once they’re a decent size I’ll turn them loose in the 20H and get them to about pea size or a little larger depending on how many there are. 

6) I’ll finally move them to a 40B or larger depending on quantity to grow out until I pick out potential future breeders. The rest will get sold or traded by in. 

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Depending on the fish and the conditioning I have had pairs 7-8 days and others 14-16 with norm around 10-12 days.

in my experience if the same two  fish are laying eggs days apart most likely you have two female. I have seen it a lot with Angels.  If you get to watch them even hours before and hours after you will notice the female’s ovipositor.  This is so much larger and blunt on the females.  
Male’s much smaller and comes to a point.  Once you see the two you will understand.  
Good Luck 



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My angelfish just laid eggs on a pipe I had in the tank, so I moved it to a 3 gallon tank(the one linked on my signature) with an air stone. I don’t expect to get lucky on the first try, but I will start updating there. Thanks for this thread @JRinFL, this has helped me.

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