I have a few questions about Angelfish and egg-laying.
How often do they lay? Had a pair in the 80's that layer every Saturday when I would work.
I'm asking since Angels left 1 clutch of eggs on Saturday (which were unfortunately eaten overnight that day), now one layed another clutch on my second filter 3 days later. At least this time I can guess which pair, as the pair in the photo are chasing the other angels to the far end of the tank. Haven't been able to get to a local store to pick a small piece of slate (or similar) that I could remove if they lay on it...
I don't imagine these will make it in a community tank with some minnows, tetra and rasboras. Would bristlenose plecos and Nerite snail's be a danger for the eggs as well?
I have a 20G High tank with 4 swordtails, and smaller fish (cardinal tetras, ember tetras and celestial pearl danios) that I might be able to move the slate to and try to isolate in a netted nursery.
Suggestions welcome, hope they keep laying.