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Panda Cory VS Three Lined Cory

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Panda. Better price, availability is everywhere. They are not shy.  At least mine never hide. They use every inch of an aquarium. Easy easy easy to keep and breed. However I have not kept three lined so they may possess the same qualities.

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I have both, and like both.  For me the Corydoras trilineatus seems to be a little hardier than Corydoras panda.  They're both about equally available in my area, and I think the price is about the same.  The pandas are a little smaller, so you may be able to have one or two more in the same space.

I have never noticed any breeding activity in either one, though other people do.  I suspect it's because of my hard 8.2 pH water.

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On 5/13/2022 at 5:57 AM, Theplatymaster said:

Which would you recommend? Based on: Hardiness, Price, Breeding, General keeping?

There is virtually no difference. Go with the one you want and like more as an adult form. The false Julii's look amazing once their pattern comes in. Pandas are the own kind of awesome.

Edited by nabokovfan87
can't remember how to spell julii (totally had it right all along!)
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On 5/13/2022 at 5:57 AM, Theplatymaster said:

Hardiness, Price, Breeding, General keeping

I think you will be happy either way. Panda's can handle it a little colder. Trilineatus you'll have less success below 74. Cost I think the false julii are a tad more expensive. Breeding my panda's they are colony breeding and have been prolific. Most respond/are triggered to cool water changes and high protein foods like tubifex, black and blood worms. 

I have had sterbai, pygmys; currently have bronzes, orange venezuelanus and my pandas, all are great in their own way. The bronzes are older and wiser and fatter, the pandas are now young adults with a bigger and bigger colony by the week tons of activity with courting, hunting for food in the substrate inspecting the plecos caves; and the venezuelanus the colors and activity have been off the chart. Pandas can be depending on the source a little inbred in the big box shops but I got mine from home breeders. 

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I honestly don't know anything about three lined cories so I can't compare so this won't be fair but I do love my panda cories. I have fallen in love with breeding them too and it's fairly easy to do. Even if I did nothing, I've had 4 babies pop up on their own, but I have been pulling eggs and doing grow out tanks as well. 

3 of my males I like to call the 3-amigos. They occasionally decide to swim around the tank as a gang. Their favorite is to swim up and down the out take of the HOB filters. I literally watched them do this for hours today while I was feeling crummy cause I just got covid. They brought me joy on a rough day!

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