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Need help fighting algae on my plants, semi-cloudy water


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I've started to have semi-cloudy water over the last few months, and some algae on my plants. All advice is appreciated.

My 10g planted tank's date of birth is 4/9/20. I run an Aqua Clear 30 on it. 50W Cobalt heater, and a T8 4100k florescent bulb on it. In the AquaClear 30, I use the AquaClear bio rings, AquaClear sponge, and two pieces of Aquarium Co-Op sponge in the tray.

Eco-Complete substrate.

I squeeze out my sponges from the filter in my water change water each week. I use API Stress Coat, Stress Zyme as dechlorinators after water changes  

My light is on a timer for 5 hours per day: 4P - 9P.

Stocking: Ember Tetras, Chili Rasboras, Neon Green Rasboras. I don't over feed at all....I really try hard to only feed as little as possible; and only feed 6 days a week.

I do 20% weekly water changes, and haven't added any plants-fish-inverts in over 6 months. My water tests are consistently the following:

NO3: 50

NO2: 0

GH: 150

KH: 80

Ph: 8.0

CL: 0

Ammonia: 0

I bought some Amano Shrimp last summer to try and help with the hair algae, but they didn't last long - a month at most? I didn't understand why they didn't last. My tank is not new.

The full tank shot doesn't really do it justice - there's been this 'haze' in my tank. My tank has definitely seen clear-er days. I'm at a loss...










Edited by Jeff
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I have a similar situation going on in a year-old tank.  No cloudy water but similar algae situation on the plants.  I've been working on trying to keep it under control by trimming affected areas and limiting lighting, but I haven't seen any changes.  Super weird because nothing changed in the tank--same lighting schedule, same stocking, same filter, same food, etc. but this popped up about 5 months ago and I'm really struggling.  Haven't found the answers yet (I do have nerites, and they don't seem to eat the algae off the plants) but I feel your pain!

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On 3/21/2022 at 10:12 PM, KaitieG said:

I have a similar situation going on in a year-old tank.  No cloudy water but similar algae situation on the plants.  I've been working on trying to keep it under control by trimming affected areas and limiting lighting, but I haven't seen any changes.  Super weird because nothing changed in the tank--same lighting schedule, same stocking, same filter, same food, etc. but this popped up about 5 months ago and I'm really struggling.  Haven't found the answers yet (I do have nerites, and they don't seem to eat the algae off the plants) but I feel your pain!

Various times of the year my tap water changes ranging from average 15-30-40 nitrates. Plus silicates are higher different times I think. I’ll randomly have large diatom blooms or other blooms. Then test my tap to discover crazy high nitrates. 

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I am thinking that it would help not to squeeze the filter sponge into your water.  It seems that you are putting waste back in that you are trying to filter out.  Also, maybe cut back on feeding?  Watch and see if your fish eat up what you give them—or if the excess settles into the substrate.  

Nerite snails have cleaned my plants up well in the past.  If you don’t mind the white eggs they lay on the hard scape.

Does your tank have exposure to sunlight?

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I'm not an expert on this, so I may be going the wrong direction entirely... I don't see you mentioning any fertilizer (if you did, I missed it looking back, sorry!). Maybe the plants are lacking the other things they need to be able to use the nitrates effectively, and then the algae is able to use them instead. That could explain the abundance of algae, but I'm not sure about the still high nitrates.

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This may or may not help. I used eco complete in 2 tanks for approx 6-7 months. Everything was fine but the eco seemed to get “full” of absorbing nitrates and nutrients. The detritus minglied in the ec became noticeable and it seemed to re-release nitrates into the water. My water started becoming not cloudy but not sparkling clean. Algae started to form. I tried vacuuming it but still nitrates climbed much faster than they should. Again uncertain if that helps but if you have eliminated everything else it may be the problem if you are not heavily planted with root structure. I pulled the eco in both tanks and used gravel in 1 bare bottom in another. The eco has been out of those two tanks since I think March of last year. I never had a problem again in those two and never had that problem in any other tank I have run in this house in the 20 years I owned this house. 

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On 3/22/2022 at 12:19 PM, Katherine said:

I'm not an expert on this, so I may be going the wrong direction entirely... I don't see you mentioning any fertilizer (if you did, I missed it looking back, sorry!). Maybe the plants are lacking the other things they need to be able to use the nitrates effectively, and then the algae is able to use them instead. That could explain the abundance of algae, but I'm not sure about the still high nitrates.

No; didn't mention. I dose Easy Green and Flourish Potassium 1x / week

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I'm still a novice...

But I only see that one Octopus plant in there and the rest are pretty slow growing. I'd try adding a couple fast growing stem plants to see if they suck up some extra algae food. I like Watersprite, cuz you don't have to plant it, so if it fixes your problem you can just take it out. I like growing Water Wisteria, it grows fast, and I've got it planted in the substrate.

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On 3/22/2022 at 7:27 AM, Guppysnail said:

Various times of the year my tap water changes ranging from average 15-30-40 nitrates. Plus silicates are higher different times I think. I’ll randomly have large diatom blooms or other blooms. Then test my tap to discover crazy high nitrates. 

Mine is hair and black beard algae on the plants I think.  I've had issues with nitrates in tap water varying at different times too so I've been testing those and it's been steady at about 5ppm.  Really getting my Val and hydrophila worse than anything else.  Been trying to figure out Ilif it could be external lighting but can't see that hitting anywhere.  Will let you know if I figure anything out.  My next trial will be more frequent water changes even if nitrates are in check.

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On 3/22/2022 at 11:28 AM, Jeff said:

No; didn't mention. I dose Easy Green and Flourish Potassium 1x / week

Ok, my next guess is maybe too much fertilizer for you plant/lighting combo. Especially since @Corbidorbidoodle pointed out you've got mostly slow growers. Though, again, I'm not an expert and I'm hoping someone with more experience in this area will chime in. 

How much are you putting in? And how often?

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On 3/22/2022 at 1:21 PM, KaitieG said:

Mine is hair and black beard algae on the plants I think.  I've had issues with nitrates in tap water varying at different times too so I've been testing those and it's been steady at about 5ppm.  Really getting my Val and hydrophila worse than anything else.  Been trying to figure out Ilif it could be external lighting but can't see that hitting anywhere.  Will let you know if I figure anything out.  My next trial will be more frequent water changes even if nitrates are in check.

I have not had bba issues in this house. Previous yes. My tap phosphate is on the low side. I’m recently experimenting with phosphorus to eliminate gsa. My 20L I used 1 dose to 2ppm and a week later hellloooo BBA 😕 

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On 3/22/2022 at 1:07 PM, Guppysnail said:

I have not had bba issues in this house. Previous yes. My tap phosphate is on the low side. I’m recently experimenting with phosphorus to eliminate gsa. My 20L I used 1 dose to 2ppm and a week later hellloooo BBA 😕 

I will try to look into that.  I started dosing potassium, but maybe there is a phosphate issue.  Never ever seen it in any of the other tanks though.  The one I'm having issues with is my big 95 gal display.

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