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Thankful for Multiple Tank Syndrome!

Dawn T

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Never thought I'd say that, but... this morning, right after I woke up, I was sitting on the edge of the bedding trying to get motivated to actually get up and start my day. I heard an odd, faint pop coming from my aquarium corner. No lights flickered. No pumps quit. Nothing odd that was obvious, so I thought maybe I imagined it. Then I heard drip, drip, drip at an increasing rate. Ugh. Turns out, a bottom seal on my 10g quarantine tank gave way. Thankfully: (1) the fish in there were ready to come out of quarantine, I just hadn't taken the time to move them yet; (2) the drip wasn't rapid, so I had time to get fish and shrimp out there without having to crisis-rush; (3) they had places to go!

Needless to say, I had a bit of a mess on my hands, but I was able to keep most of it contained with industrious use of LOTS of towels. Got the fish and shrimp out, the tank drained most of the way, plants removed (it's also my nursery tank), tank out the back door onto the porch, and the fish and shrimp relocated to their permanent tanks, as well as plants tucked into various places at least temporarily.

As I was checking the tank after I got it fully emptied and the substrate moved to my gravel bucket, it occurred to me to be SO grateful that I have multiple tanks - all with compatible community fish! - so there was no panic over what to do with the occupants. Granted, it was my quarantine tank, so I already knew who belonged where, but how many folks have only ONE tank? I can't even imagine the panic that would set in when something like this happens. Really glad it was my quarantine tank that gave out, too.

BTW, this is a OLD tank. I've been using it for at least 10 years, and I got it USED for who knows how long, so I'm not too surprised it gave out. I know how to reseal it, at least.

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That's about my worst nightmare - that a HUGE tank would spring a leak or, worse, RUPTURE. I'm definitely glad it was my 10g QT and not one of my 29g tanks, and I shudder to think if it was an even larger one. The 2 29g are my largest tanks right now, but I've had 55g and 125g in the past. If that big one had done this, I would've panicked for sure!

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On 3/17/2022 at 10:35 PM, Dawn T said:

That's about my worst nightmare - that a HUGE tank would spring a leak or, worse, RUPTURE. I'm definitely glad it was my 10g QT and not one of my 29g tanks, and I shudder to think if it was an even larger one. The 2 29g are my largest tanks right now, but I've had 55g and 125g in the past. If that big one had done this, I would've panicked for sure!

I had a nightmare about a giant tank break the other night. 29 is my largest and likely to stay that way; I cannot handle the pressure!

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