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New Fish Dead within few hours


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sigh went to the lfs and picked up 12 gold mountain minnows and 1 hillstream loach. I set up a quarantine tank for them and dropped them in. They all died within a few hours. Sigh. I realized that I didn’t acclimate I was too excited-totally forgot! But all dead within a few hours?? Quarentine tank is a 10 gallon bare bottom crate with a foam filter. The lfs water is pretty warm and my tap was quite cold.  I know so many possible cause but what should I do next time? Bag float? Drip? Cup of new water to old water?? Kg tropics doesn’t recommend drip others on the interweb suggest from drip to bag float to multi day drip. Sigh I’m so sad and mad at myself almost want to quite. I checked the water quality of my quarantine tank and 0 for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and chlorine. PH ~6.8. What to do??

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On 3/6/2022 at 10:14 AM, coldwater said:

sigh went to the lfs and picked up 12 gold mountain minnows and 1 hillstream loach. I set up a quarantine tank for them and dropped them in. They all died within a few hours. Sigh. I realized that I didn’t acclimate I was too excited-totally forgot! But all dead within a few hours?? Quarentine tank is a 10 gallon bare bottom crate with a foam filter. The lfs water is pretty warm and my tap was quite cold.  I know so many possible cause but what should I do next time? Bag float? Drip? Cup of new water to old water?? Kg tropics doesn’t recommend drip others on the interweb suggest from drip to bag float to multi day drip. Sigh I’m so sad and mad at myself almost want to quite. I checked the water quality of my quarantine tank and 0 for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and chlorine. PH ~6.8. What to do??

Bummer. I also just dump through a net and even flush them off a bit with my tank water then put them in.

I've had very good luck that way. 

That pH is low but IDK???

Speaking of Hillstreams. Not long ago I bought a fairly large (not tiny) Hillstream from my lFS. He was dead the next day. I took him back. They bagged up another one and I looked in to bag right before I put my truck in drive. The poor guys was upside down, seemed dead. Right there in the parking lot! He just put him in the bag! I went right back in  and showed them, they said he was moving a little and put him back in their tank. I went in a few days later and he said it died. Weird! I then found a much smaller tiny one at Petco and all is well so far, have had him a few weeks and he has grown already. 

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Depending on the type of fish I usually float the bag for 30 minutes to get the temperature right add a small amount of tank Every couple of minutes for 20 minutes then tip them into a net and add to my tank I also drip acclimate if they are more sensitive species to avoid shocking them 

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