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Loaches or? For snail control.


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Okay. So I have a mild issue with bladder snails and ramshorn snails in my son's 20G high. There's also flat Ramshorn... And a small burrowing snail that looks like a trumpet snail, I haven't researched them though so I'm not sure.... They've totally messed up my substrate layers. Which really upsets me, and more importantly, the corydoras.

So ... My son is obsessed with the snails and loves them.... I need a fish to help me out. If I blast the tank with No Planeria he will hate me for at least a week.

I love loaches. What kind of loach could be my savior here? Or maybe Pea puffers? I have lots of plants, but the fish and snails are taking their toll, there's also a large castle decoration for hiding and current control.... Tank has guppies, two corydoras, a clown pleco, 6 neon tetras and one swordtail. It's not over-stocked for my routine/filtration.

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Maybe, I would like to rid myself of populations of large Ramshorns and the bladder/pond snails. I'm hoping they run out of food, somehow. The tank is pristine.... They're even running out of green hair algae.

I have an interest in trap door snails... But that doesn't help me any. 😂

For real though the tank is so clean that the fish look like they're floating in space and there's not any glass!

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Assassin snails; your tank is too small for any of the loaches which would eat snails. dwarf loaches would be the best bet but you would need at least 6 and many recommend 12+. Also they are rather expensive. Some species of apistogramma will eat smaller snails and snail eggs; but ram horn are a bit on the large size for them.

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@Guppysnail that makes sense, there's a piece of Malaysian driftwood in there. Small, but enough for my clown pleco to hang out on.

I'll keep my eye out for assassin snails at my LFS.

Good news this morning! After two solid weeks... I'm bargaining successfully with my kiddo about removing snails. It looks like he's okay with removing all of the bladder snails and all of the ramshorn snails except his original one! But...I still need to manually remove snails. I can't nuke with No Planeria with so many snails. There's just too many.

@anewbie yeah the dwarf loaches would be cool. But I agree, 6-12 of them would be too many.

Another option......... Upgrade Arthur's tank size. 😶 🤣 Leave all the snails behind!


I put fourth my option to upgrade the tank to my husband, he voted 'no'. 🤣

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On 2/16/2022 at 9:19 PM, Minanora said:

Okay. So I have a mild issue with bladder snails and ramshorn snails in my son's 20G high. There's also flat Ramshorn... And a small burrowing snail that looks like a trumpet snail, I haven't researched them though so I'm not sure.... They've totally messed up my substrate layers. Which really upsets me, and more importantly, the corydoras.

So ... My son is obsessed with the snails and loves them.... I need a fish to help me out. If I blast the tank with No Planeria he will hate me for at least a week.

I love loaches. What kind of loach could be my savior here? Or maybe Pea puffers? I have lots of plants, but the fish and snails are taking their toll, there's also a large castle decoration for hiding and current control.... Tank has guppies, two corydoras, a clown pleco, 6 neon tetras and one swordtail. It's not over-stocked for my routine/filtration.

Assassin snail is going to be your best bet.

They are a very attractive true whelk, and therefore require a mate of the opposite gender to reproduce. They are the slowest, successful predator, and your son will never see a successful meal, because they bury themselves in the substrate and wait for an *even smaller* slower meal.

Safe with everything in your tank.

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I'm keeping my eyes open on craigslist for a bigger tank for my boy... ehehm... I may have been voted against... but.... I can still look, right?


I will get snails after I reduce the population manually. I finally got the small human to agree. Thank. Goodness.

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