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Unexpected deaths, looking for insight


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Hey guys!

I've got a 20G long that has been established for maybe 7-8 months now, heavily planted and thriving.  The animal life has been a mix of neon tetra (roughly 20), a mix of both cherry and amano shrimp (about 6-8 nowadays, hard to tell since they hide), and 2x mystery snails with countless bladder snails.

In the past couple of days, I have come across 3x dead tetra and a dead cherry shrimp without clear cause.  None of the bodies appear diseased, but I cannot 100% confirm as the shrimp sometimes get to the bodies before I do.  All of the tetra have migrated to the back of the tank, which, while not totally unusual, it's not common for them ALL to be back there for a sustained period.  I have never observed any predatory (or even hostile) behavior by anything ever.

Tank parameters have been solid and unchanged since day one, roughly:

pH: 6.8ish
GH: 30
KH: 40
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 20

Typical routine:  Fed once daily, EZ Green weekly, 20% PWCs about every 3 weeks with root tabbing.  Otherwise, nothing else.

I haven't suffered any losses like this until now, and it is just strange to have them grouped like this.  Any thoughts?  Thank you in advance!

Edited by Martin
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I would just test ammonia to be sure nothing there is off.

Check your temperature. I've had my heaters die . . . and crack . . . overheat . . .

I always recommend adding an extra airstone. This "bubbles" off (gasses off) anything awry on the water-change front.

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Thanks guys...

The heater seems fine, the water feels right by touch.

I'll need to find a test for ammonia specifically.  I only have test strips, though I will say the animal life isn't giving any signs of elevated ammonia (i.e. they don't appear lethargic).

I don't think I've forgotten the dechlorinator... I'm somewhat OCD about that bit lol.

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On 2/9/2022 at 7:49 PM, Pinky said:

I had the same issue recently, everything was perfect, fish kept dying. 
It was an dissovled oxygen issue. There are a few ways to test it, but i used a titration test. 

Huh... like there was low O2 in the water?  I suppose that is possible... woudnl't suspect it due to the amount of plants I have in there.  What is a titration test?

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On 2/9/2022 at 8:32 PM, Martin said:

Huh... like there was low O2 in the water?  I suppose that is possible... woudnl't suspect it due to the amount of plants I have in there.  What is a titration test?

My tank is also crazy heavily planted



But like others have said, plants consume O2 at night instead of CO2.

A titration test is a liquid test, there are differant types, I used the thai brand Monitor, but they make electronic meters as well but they starty at $100

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On 2/9/2022 at 9:51 PM, Pinky said:

But like others have said, plants consume O2 at night instead of CO2.

Whaaaaa!?  How in my 43 years of life have I never heard this!?  Thank you for the information guys.  Not sure if that is the cause, but something definitely worth checking and monitoring given the level of greenery in the tank.

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On 2/10/2022 at 7:31 AM, Martin said:

How in my 43 years of life have I never heard this

Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I was young (I think I was at some point young) I volunteered at a hospital doing minor tasks.  They made us remove the flowers from some rooms for this reason. That’s the only way I knew 😁

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