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Help! I have white mold in my tank.


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I have a 20 long that I am trying to cycle with plants. I have a sponge filter and used CaribSea Eco-Complete Planted Aquarium Substrate. It has been going for a few weeks and no algae. I added the Aquarium Co-op fertilizer and root tabs. I noticed some white mold around and in one plant. I thought it was just that one. Then I checked another one and it had completely rotted away as well. I picked up the moss and there was white mold everywhere. I looked at the other plant leaves and it looks like there are mold spores on them. What do I do to fix this? What did I do wrong to cause this? Help!



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You did not do anything wrong. The white “mold”. Is actually biofilm bacterial colonies establishing themselves and is completely harmless. Once your cycle is complete and running for a bit the beneficial bacteria will increase and consume the excess nutrients. The “mold” biofilm colonies will then dissipate on their own. If it visually bothers you feel free to remove it manually. Or just let it do it’s thing. 

Hope that helps

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I had an anubis come in awhile back that did the same thing.  Not sure what the scoop was there, about half the plant died and was "rotting".  I plucked the leaves off and then when I finally went to put it on wood, I sprayed it off with the sprayer function on the kitchen sink.  Cleaned it up pretty good.  It is sending a new leaf now, so I think it will be just fine.  


I think it got damaged in shipping and hurt part of the rhizome.

Not saying that's what happened to you, but it looks pretty similar.

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On 2/8/2022 at 8:07 PM, delphine said:

noticed some white mold around and in one plant. I thought it was just that one. Then I checked another one and it had completely rotted away as well. I picked up the moss and there was white mold everywhere.

You did nothing wrong, you actually have a tank doing right!!!

Leaves will melt back as the roots and plant shift from above water growth (emersed) to below water growth (immersed). Your plants brought healthy bacteria, and you are watching the biofilm grow (white stuff). The biofilm is food for shrimp, otos, and beneficial bacteria. 

Congratulations on your tank!

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On 2/9/2022 at 2:41 PM, delphine said:

@Torrey Thanks you! So good to hear!

If you notice rhizomes rotting, definitely make sure that 

1. Rhizome is *on top* of your substrate. Buried rhizomes are dead rhizomes. 

2. Rot is brown, and tends to be a different kind of slimy than white biofilm. 

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