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Cloudy water?

Chiclid addict

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This happens with fish in cycling. I remember you described the situation. I always add an extra airstone for fish in cycling as the bacterial bloom uses up oxygen in the tank.. I don’t know if you were able to get the filter yet for this little guy so the airstone will help the beneficial bacteria establish  This may not be as important with a betta as long as the ambient humidity between the lid and water stays high so the extra dry air does not affect your bettas labyrinth organ. When the beneficial bacteria establishes in the tank it will clear. Extra water changes do not clear the cloudiness but may be needed with fish in cycling. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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With a name like Cichlid addict, I'm assuming you have other tanks also. Moving something, almost anything, from an established tank will bring beneficial bacteria with it and help jumpstart the new tank. A single betta won't be terribly polluting in a ten-gallon tank, so you don't need tons of bacteria. Oxygen deprivation is less of an issue with a labyrinth fish as they can breathe air. As to cloudiness, it clears on its own given time. Patience is a virtue. There are "clumping" solutions that will bind free floating particles together and have them settle out of the water, but they can cause more issues than they solve. I think things will be fine given time.   

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On 1/24/2022 at 10:33 PM, Chiclid addict said:

I have a tank that was set up yesterday it has a large sponge filter in a 10g tank with only 1 betta the tank wasn’t cycled but I had no other options 

@Guppysnail gave you solid advice. 

I would add that unless ammonia or nitrites are detected, don't do lots of water changes, as they will slow down the establishment of beneficial bacteria. This means testing everyday, and if you have bottled beneficial bacteria, add the recommended amount to your tank. I have had the bottled beneficial bacteria clear up a cloudy tank almost overnight. 

If you have a sponge filter (or sponge filter media) in another tank, squeeze the sponge into the cloudy tank. The cloudy water will feed the beneficial bacteria and help get the tank cycled faster.


1. Test water every day for fish in cycle 

2. Add beneficial bacteria to the tank to seed a healthy colony of beneficial bacteria. 

3. Lots of big water changes will make the cloudiness last longer 

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