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New to the Hobby

Lee Pedersen1

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I am very new to the hobby and I was hoping to get some advice on where to take this aquarium in the future. Everything in the image is from a big box store except I added some Easy Green tabs (recently purchased.) I’m also aware that my fish ratios and species or horrifically mismatched. I originally had 3 black mollies as starters. After a friend who moved gave me his fish, many of my fish past. 

My five gallon is currently my attempt at a planted tank. All purchased from coop and planted as is except the hair grass, I split it three ways. Any tips would be appreciated.

My main questions are what to do with my plants. They are getting so big that they need to lay sideways. Do I start trimming and then planting the trimmings? Also, is my white molly pregnant? She became very boxy, has been eating twice as much, and hugs the heater.

This is my first post and I am very thankful for any help available.

-Lee Pedersen SATX




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Welcome!  For my tastes, I think your plants are doing great...let them grow!  Looks like you have fluval stratum, and it can grow some gorgeous plants.    If they get to be too much you can always trim them back.
I can't speak about mollies as I have no experience, but Im sure someone here can help 🙂

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The plants in the 10 gallon have been in the tank since December 13th. In your best guess how long until she pops? The only spare tank I have is a 5 gallon. Could I use that until I can get a larger tank set up? If. Or my friend is about to set up a 20 gallon tall. It is an option for me.

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You can leave the fry in the tank, they’ll hide and be fine. Their fry come out a good size. Only issue is if mom or dad decide they’re food - there is no maternal/paternal care with livebearers. You can always grab a hang on fry box if you’re wanting to save them if mom and dad get a taste for their babies. 
I agree with the others let the plants go jungle before your next trim. 
Livebearers like a bit of gh and kh which stratum does not provide. You could get a bag of crushed coral and put a 1/4 pound or so in your hang on back in a filter bag or just sprinkle it along the back wall behind your hardscape. Stratum will suck up most of the nutrients and keep it in the substrate as well as lower pH which is also some mollies and other livebearers like neutral to greater than 7 is their sweet spot. Crushed coral is great as it will just slowly release the minerals as it breaks down.
Have fun and welcome to the forum.  

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You should be fine in the 10 gallon for a little while without population issues. I’d say I’m a bit rusty with livebearers but within the next 3 days you could start seeing little white or black specs hiding amongst the plants.


They take a bit to grow to full size, 30-40 days to get to about 1.5” but they do reach sexual maturity in about 8 weeks.

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