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Retiring a guppy trio


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I have two lines of guppies and one of French Blue Star Endlers. Each of them have had 2 to 4 drops of fry since I brought them home.

My Ginga Sulphureus guppies and my Endlers have had no noticeable bent spines or bodily deformities in their fry.

The other trio has produced 6 to10 C-shaped and S-shaped fry per drop; her drops are not that large, maybe 40. 

After seeing this rate of deformity, I decided not to breed that trio any more. I removed the males after her first brood and put in a male Endler for a few days after her second drop to see if hybridizing would result in a better outcome. She is due any day but regardless of the results, I don't plan to breed her again and will just let her empty out.

In addition to the bent spines, some of the fry fail to grow. Here is a photo of two fry from the same batch: 


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On 1/22/2022 at 1:36 PM, lefty o said:

any good calcium source in the tank? for me, besides good genetics, adding crushed coral or wondershell to get good minerals in the water has virtually eliminated bent spines in my guppy's.

Plenty--that's where I started. My water is super hard but I added crushed coral and cuttle bone to my tanks with females and/or fry after the first batch came out wonky.

I also thought well, maybe it's not MY water but the water these guppies came from that lacked calcium, but it doesn't seem that would be the problem because the one line that I'm having the problem with is from my same county, with very hard water, while the ones who are having normal fry are from all over the place including the grocery store, Aquabid seller in Florida, LFS, and a breeder in another part of the state where IDK how hard their water is.

So my logic is that lack of minerals is not the problem or my other guppies (and platies, maybe?) would be showing deformities, too.


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On 1/23/2022 at 2:04 AM, Minanora said:

that trio that you're having deformities with, are those Ginga Sulphureus as well? I could imagine a strain like that being difficult.

No, my gingas have been fine. The troubling ones are a blue bodied double sword strain that look like guppy endler hybrids to start with. I got them at a local club meet and the fellow selling them told me a name for them but I forgot it and since they don’t breed true in tail shape or tail color I guess they’re not a real “line”, more of a strain. Now that I have a decent camera I’ll try to get photos. They are super fast.

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On 1/22/2022 at 2:41 PM, PineSong said:

including the grocery store,

Wait, wait, wait. Grocery store fish?! Care to elaborate? 🙂


That's a shame about the strain. I've had "line" guppies that I even asked if they breed true, been told they do, then found out that they do not. Because of that event I don't trust anyone local without seeing their setup in person. At least for live-bearers.

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On 1/23/2022 at 11:29 AM, Minanora said:

Wait, wait, wait. Grocery store fish?! Care to elaborate? 🙂


That's a shame about the strain. I've had "line" guppies that I even asked if they breed true, been told they do, then found out that they do not. Because of that event I don't trust anyone local without seeing their setup in person. At least for live-bearers.

Sure. My grocery store is Meijer--not sure if they have those where you live but like half the store is groceries and the other half is clothes, household goods etc. The fish are in the grocery part. I never looked at fish there because I need to avoid a situation where I have 32 rescue bettas, but one day I did and fell prey. I brought home 5 big guppy girls. 4 made it through QT. One is still alive four months later.

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