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Tank reccomendation

Stephen Zawacki

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It's hard to tell exactly where your budget is here but I highly recommend the Fluval Flex 32.5 gallon aquarium. I have the fluval flex 15 and I've loved it. I imagine the quality in the 32.5 is just as high. You can just leave the lid off if you want a nice rimless look to it. Let me know if this helps. 

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On 1/19/2022 at 2:34 PM, Stephen Zawacki said:

ok thank you I will look I have two questions, how good is the light with growing plants also, how is the filtration section in the tank is there a need to modify it?

In my fluval flex 15 gallon the light was moderately good, was able to grow quite the low tech planet setup before I turned it into a shell dweller tank. The filteration is very good, though i recommend replacing the carbon with some more bio rings or sponge or filter floss. 

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