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How to humanely euthanize Mystery Snail?


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So I’ve kept mystery snails before and have had 0 issues. And have had nothing but big, happy, and growing mysteries in my current tank so far. (Been up and running for over two months).

Now it seems I have a calcium deficiency in my tank (which I am rectifying now).. one snail’s shell is not doing well at all but that one isn’t as concerning as the snail that has completely removed himself from his shell.

I didn’t think it was possible, and I didn’t see anything wrong when looking at the tank yesterday but I have a 2” mystery that has completely left his shell at the back of the tank. I touched him to be sure and… gooey. Most bizarre thing I have ever seen. How can I kill this guy humanely? He can’t be comfortable.. pardon the photo…


UPDATE: He did die. Still the most bizarre thing ever.


Edited by EVoyager31
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On 1/16/2022 at 10:16 PM, Colu said:

You could try overdosing with clove oil I use it to euthanize sick fish but I don't no how a snail would react to it

Yeah I’ve used clove oil before.. hurts my heart to watch fish suffocate. A lot of times if the fish is small (like a neon or similar) I will just crush.. much faster IMO.. but agreed, not sure how a snail would react to clove oil.. bleh.

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On 1/16/2022 at 11:28 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Poor guy. If it still moves and eats I would have a hard time doing it. Our aquatic friends are so resilient. 

It's such a hard judgment call.

Haven’t seen him eat just yet but he has moved around a bit. Though that one leaf he was on had him getting sucked towards the circulation pump thing until I moved it. So sad. All the snails I have grew from about dime size when I bought them to about 2”. Hate seeing him like this 😞

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On 1/17/2022 at 9:26 PM, PineSong said:

I am sorry that happened, it had to be hard to watch. Poor guy. 

100%.. Mystery snails are my absolute favorite in any tank. I have a beautiful magenta one I moved to another tank just in case because if that one died I will be VERY upset.


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