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Hello! I am doing a fishless cycle on a new tank (1st time) with ammonia. My ammonia and nitrite levels are high, nitrates slowly rising. Tank is heavily planted. Got algea growth today!

My question is, how are the baby trumpet snails that came in on my plants last week still alive? Will they survive this toxic environment?  Thanks!

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I'm not entirely sure, but I'm pretty sure the snails will outlive us all.  I think they're like twinkies, they'll even survive a nuclear blast! 😉  The question is, do you want them to survive.  I'm considering an assassin snail soon to take care of my bladder snails. 

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These snails are entertaining at times, actually. I want fish so bad but still have a few more days to go, so I'm stuck with my snails for now. The biggest one (the cannibal) was named King, tho a couple more have grown and now I can't tell who is King. I'm going to keep them until they become a problem. I think I'd have a huge algea problem right now without them.  

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I screwed up and bought plants from somewhere other than Aquarium Co-op and now I have bladder snails coming out of my ears. I'm really developing a nasty disposition toward them. I'm actually considering assassin snails, because we tried making the bottle traps to get them and my idiot betta got caught in it, BUT we also have mystery snails and I'm not sure I want to permanently have a snail that I can't put a Mystery Snail in with.

Anyway, I hope you have better luck than we are. LOL 

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6 minutes ago, ADMWNDSR83 said:

They're finding snails I never knew existed!  I just don't know what to do once the bladder snails are all gone.

This is exactly what's keeping me from getting them. I'm not at all sure I want permanent assassin snails. I love my Mystery's. LOL

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