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what to do with hopeless fish


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I have two fish I have been trying to get healthy to no avail.  The first is a female molly who developed swim bladder issues.  I treated her with epsom salt baths several times.  She also has had one round of API General Cure in case of some other issue.  She can ascend and descend with some effort, but drags her tail and mostly sits on the bottom.  She appears to be wasting as well, although does respond a little bit to food.  I won't put her back in the livebearer tank; it is a madhouse in there and she would not be able to keep up.

The second is a female black tetra who is either egg bound (I didn't know that is a thing) or has dropsy.   She is super fat, but not pineconed.  She swims well inspite of her condition, and responds to food.  She has had epsom salt baths, a round of General Cure, and she's been fed peas (didn't like them).   She swims well enough to put her back in the schoolers tank, but I don't want anyone else to get sick.  

These two fish are sharing a 5.5 gallon tank with a couple plants floating in it.  Probably not having the best lives.  Should I just let them live out their lives like this, return them to their tanks, or is it time to euthanize them?   They've been in isolated for about a month.

Edited by meadeam
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On 11/22/2021 at 10:38 AM, Colu said:

Some case of swim bladder are caused by a bacterial infection and your tetra could be in the early stages of dropy or egg bound what I would do is treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon and kanaplex  

she's been bloated for months.  I haven't tried aquarium salt or kanaplex though.

Edited by meadeam
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I wouldn't euthanize yet, simply given you haven't tried 2 very useful tools for medication....Kanaplex and Salt. If both are eating, try the Kanaplex in the food, as that is the most direct method.

Pay careful attention to the Molly and her eating...regarding wasting. Eating (or not eating) characteristics can lead towards the best med to tackle it. Wasting disease can be tricky, but can certainly be cured.

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