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The Newb's Progress continues.


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Now six weeks in—

just fed, scraped a little algae from the glass and, now, watching the light turn to blue-green before dimming completely. Everyone’s milling about loving life or so it seems.

It’s 9 ish est. Right now the tank’s a dim purply-green late dusky color. I’m trying to give the tank 6 hours of relatively high light bracketed by slow ramp up and ramp down. The Finnex remote offers the three-hour periods that fade into each other. I’m off to work in an hour, graveyard shift…so it’ll be off while I’m gone

The master kit parameters are all good. Nitrate is now 10=/-. For some reason my 406 seems to be trapping air, if I tip the canister about ten degrees air bubbles out. Once, sometimes three times a day I’ll tilt it to release the air. I’m wondering about cracking it open just to have a look to see if everything’s seated properly, maybe put some silicone grease on the o-rings…From what I’m understanding here the filter’s too young to 'clean.'

I’ll be gone two and a half days over Thanksgiving.

It'll remain as is is until after thanksgiving. Then, a few more plants. First group of black neons in coming Jan/Feb.

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On 11/19/2021 at 9:09 PM, isaly said:

Now six weeks in—

just fed, scraped a little algae from the glass and, now, watching the light turn to blue-green before dimming completely. Everyone’s milling about loving life or so it seems.

It’s 9 ish est. Right now the tank’s a dim purply-green late dusky color. I’m trying to give the tank 6 hours of relatively high light bracketed by slow ramp up and ramp down. The Finnex remote offers the three-hour periods that fade into each other. I’m off to work in an hour, graveyard shift…so it’ll be off while I’m gone

The master kit parameters are all good. Nitrate is now 10=/-. For some reason my 406 seems to be trapping air, if I tip the canister about ten degrees air bubbles out. Once, sometimes three times a day I’ll tilt it to release the air. I’m wondering about cracking it open just to have a look to see if everything’s seated properly, maybe put some silicone grease on the o-rings…From what I’m understanding here the filter’s too young to 'clean.'

I’ll be gone two and a half days over Thanksgiving.

It'll remain as is is until after thanksgiving. Then, a few more plants. First group of black neons in coming Jan/Feb.

Sounds lovely. Load up on plants! That's the best way to be best set for your fish. What's your aquarium volume? Do you have any particular finalized stocking goals for this tank?

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Sounds relaxing. Check all the connections for your canister and move any air tones away from your intake. The last one I set up keep doing this. It was the connection from the intake to the hose right at the water line. I tightened it up and it cleared right up. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 11/19/2021 at 10:42 PM, Fish Folk said:

Sounds lovely. Load up on plants! That's the best way to be best set for your fish. What's your aquarium volume? Do you have any particular finalized stocking goals for this tank?

55 gal. Funny, it seemed bigger when I first bought it. It's big...just not that big.

For stocking I'm still playing with numbers. Right now I have four serpae and four fruit tetras which are actually dyed white tetras...didn't know about that when I got 'em. Everyone seems to be getting along.

I've decided that I'd like the main feature to be a nice sized school of black neon tetras. I guess I'll get 'em in groups of 12 - 18 over a month or two until I hit somewhere around 50 - 60 so as not to hit the tank with all that load at once. I'm also thinking about half a dozen corys. I could also plump out the serpae and whites population by two each. They're all getting along right now and enjoying the space but that could change when I introduce a much larger group of 'them.'

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Sounds great, you describe it so well. 
I had similar problems with my canister filter, tried everything over like 6 months. Turned out to be I didn’t have the hoses stretched out properly they were kinda looped and need to be straight.

On 11/20/2021 at 8:28 AM, isaly said:
On 11/19/2021 at 10:42 PM, Fish Folk said:


55 gal. Funny, it seemed bigger when I first bought it. It's big...just not that big

Lol they all do even my 125G seemed huge when I first got it now I’m saying “if I only had a little more room for more plants it would be perfect “

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