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A lot of my platy fry are dying.


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Hi all. A lot of my platy fry are dying. It starts out with clamped fins and sunken bellies, and then they die. I only have a handful left. 😭


Water changes are 1x a week. 

1/3 of the water is changed.

They get BBS and omega one flakes crushed.

Shrimp and a nerite snails are their tank mates.

They get API water conditioner after water changes. 

10 gallon tank

It has a filter and heater

Temps are around 78-80

It has a airstone



Edited by FishPlanet
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frys are extremely sensitive to poor water quality; are they in a sep grow out tank or the main tank? if a grow out tank is the tank mature (cycled et all)? is all the food being eaten or is food decaying at the bottom of the tank? what size is the tank and how many frys? 


There are so many unknowns it is hard to guess what the issue might be.

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They are in the grow out tank. The tank is cycled. It has been set up since March. All the food is being eaten. The food that is decaying or not being eaten is taken out. The tank is 10 gallons and there are about 10 tiny fry in there. Is Fritz expel p safe for shrimp and nerite snails?

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I have noticed my platy fry thrive on fresh clean water. I change water with fry generally based on number of days as opposed to parameters. If I can do a 40-50% water change aver 2-3 days, I will do it. For whatever reason, this practice yields healthier fry which grow faster.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I found a baby platy, on the bottom of the tank, helpless, trying to swim to the surface of the water, but he couldn't. I felt terrible for him so I put him in a cup with shallow water. I gave him some food, but he would not eat. I sank the food and today he is eating and is more active! I am giving him a little more clean water every day to see he can handle it. Fingers crossed for him. 

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