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New to the forum, what is this worm


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Hi everyone,

I was enjoying my tank today when I noticed these hair like worms swimming around.  Two of them, I tried to get a video.  I'd say they were 1-2" long. The tank is 10 gallon, stocked with plants, 2 snails and less than 10 shrimp.



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Some sort of parasite more than likely. I would try to get rid of it. You have to be careful though if you want to treat the tank because meds with copper will kill off your snails and shrimp. API General Cure is a good anti-parasitic medicine that’s safe for use with invertebrates.

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It’s a bit hard to see but it looks like a detritus worm. Harmless and a natural part of aquariums. Fish eat them but in a shrimp and snail tank there are no predators so they get more plentiful and a bit longer than in a tank with fish. Vacuuming up excess food and waste that is their food source will help control the numbers. When I had a shrimp and snail only tank I eventually added some Celestial pearl danios to help control the microfauna. They did not bother the adult shrimp and the babies were hidden enough they never consumed enough of them to slow my population growth. 

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On 11/11/2021 at 3:38 AM, Guppysnail said:

It’s a bit hard to see but it looks like a detritus worm. Harmless and a natural part of aquariums. Fish eat them but in a shrimp and snail tank there are no predators so they get more plentiful and a bit longer than in a tank with fish. Vacuuming up excess food and waste that is their food source will help control the numbers. When I had a shrimp and snail only tank I eventually added some Celestial pearl danios to help control the microfauna. They did not bother the adult shrimp and the babies were hidden enough they never consumed enough of them to slow my population growth. 

Could I add CDPs to my five gallon tank when I get the parameters right to control the detritus worm situation I have? 

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 The fry will hunt those worm down with a vengeance. The adults will if the worms start swimming out in the open, but I've watched guppy fry systematically cruise the bottom looking for them.  Overfeeding typically causes the worms to go into overdrive, it also makes fish fat and happy, and less likely to hunt down the worms 🙂

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