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Problems with hatching brine shrimp


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Hey gang. I'm looking for a little guidance. I've been in the hobby about a year. I ordered a can of Aquarium Coop's eggs in early 2021. Most of the year I have successfully hatched bbs and fed my fish without any issues. Then, a couple of months ago, I moved to another town and now I can not get any eggs to hatch live. It seems like after 24 hours they separate from the egg shells, but out of a spoonful of eggs, I only see (literally) 4 or 5 bbs swimming and the rest just float with no movement like they are dead. I've tried dechlorinating the tap water. I've tried waiting for days and days. I've tried using both 1tbs and 2tbs of salt.

I'm wondering if my tap water really sucks for hatching, or if my eggs somehow went bad around the time I moved. Thanks in advance for guidance or ideas to try.

Here's my hatching setup...

• 3.5 cups tap water
• 2tbs 100% sea salt
• fluval nano heater
usb air pump + air stone

Tap water tested with Master Test Kit...

gh 125
kh 72-90
ph 8.2
nitrite/nitrate 0
ammonia 0.5



Edited by CitizenSneaky
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I'm quite new to BBS but I use a bit less salt than you and add some bicarbonate of soda.

In 500mls of tap water I use 

7.5mls salt (half a table spoon)

1ml bicarb 

1ml eggs 

Leave at room temp with a not to bubbly air stream. 

Maybe the bicarb is needed for your new water. It was just mentioned to me (on here) when I started so I've run with it.


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I have found that brine shrimp are not too particular about salinity or temperature. I don't use a heater and I am not very strict about measuring the salt, but they hatch anyway. 

I would guess that you got a bad batch of eggs, but from your description it sounds like the eggs hatch and then the shrimp die. At any rate, I would try a new batch of eggs. Or you could try bottled water rather than tap water to see if that works for the eggs you have already..

The label on the eggs I use indicates they should be refrigerated. I don't know if exposure to heat during your move could have affected the eggs.

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I get very exact measurements on my water, eggs, salt, temperature, and time but like @HH Morantpointed out there’s plenty of people that just do it by feel. And need to make sure it’s a good batch of eggs. We’re they kept cool and air tight during the move? You said you bought them a year ago, that can? I would start fresh either way. I’ve only been doing it close to two years so I keep it exactly the same so I know where to make adjustments. I’m sure your last house you had a general ratio of water to salt to eggs to time combination. Now you just need to figure out the new one. 
you said 2tbs salt I use 3 try that 1st, then raise/ lower temps, harvest at exactly 24H then 36H. You will need to fine tune your new set up no ones combination is the same. 
I had to refigure mine moved 20 miles away. Salt, temp, and harvest time are all different. It took about 5 batches before I could get above 50% harvest rate.

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