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Aquashella Dallas W/ a Little Brag


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My wife and I went to Aquashella Dallas this weekend and had a great time. It was really nice seeing/meeting a lot of the people we watch on YouTube. All of the YouTubers were very down to earth and a pleasure to visit with. Usually if we see someone in a similar situation out in public I won’t go up and talk to them as I don’t want to bother them. None of the people we visited with gave off that impression at all.

There were tons of vendors and booths to visit, freshwater, saltwater, reptiles, etc. We didn’t take a lot of pictures as we were just enjoying being there, which we thoroughly did. We went the route of VIP to try and beat some of lines that happened in the past and feel that it was worth the cost. We bought a few dry goods and picked up a freshwater moray eel for our 180g aquarium. 

Mrs Struggle decided to enter some of her Caridina shrimp in the American Shrimp Contest at the last minute after some gentle nudging from me for a few weeks. We were pretty nervous  since we’ve never participated in anything like that before. The process was painless and we met some wonderful people. I am happy to share that she ended up taking 2nd place in the Category 2, Caridina Crystal Shrimp - All Colors and Grades with her Pure Red Line that she’s been working on for a little over 18 months. It looks like we’ll be setting up about 8+ tanks in the near future to play around with more shrimp.

If you get the chance to go to one or even enter a contest we’d recommend it as we had a blast and the competition was painless. We got to see a lot of cool things and meet some great people. 


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