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Help betta jumped


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So my betta jumped out of his tank ,thankfully I got to him quite quickly and back into the tank, but his fins are clamped and he seems to be struggling to breathe and go up to the surface, what do I do?, have used saltand tannins so far

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I would also add an extra air stone leave the lights off for next day as he will be severely stress the salt you have add will help with his gill function and add essential electrolytes to reduce his stress then I would just monitor for the next couple of days see how he does 

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On 10/26/2021 at 11:47 AM, Colu said:

I would also add an extra air stone leave the lights off for next day as he will be severely stress the salt you have add will help with his gill function and add essential electrolytes to reduce his stress then I would just monitor for the next couple of days see how he does 

Ok , I have added an actual airstone, he really seems bad


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On 10/26/2021 at 12:42 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Hope he pulls through for you @Helan. How terrible!

Out of curiosity, have you checked your water parameters? Just to confirm he didn't jump initially out of distress of that? That he jumped just to do it.

Yes once he settled, I checked there was a ammonia spike

Now he just lays  at the bottom 

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That still to high I would do another water change and add prime as you had an ammonia spike of 6  ammonia at that level can cause permanent damage to your fish and can kill fish days or weeks after being exposed to high levels even at 1 ammonia is highly toxic to your fish he won't start to show any improvement while he is being exposed high levels of ammonia @Helan

Edited by Colu
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On 10/26/2021 at 8:24 PM, Helan said:

He now has what seems like a fungus infection? @Colu what do I do

Just because I happen to be the person seeing it right now, I'll go ahead and hop in with what I can:

Since the ammonia needs to be as close to zero as you can get it, go ahead and do that. That's water changes with water conditioner. Use Prime or Fritz to detoxify ammonia (just helping you remember what @Colu said.)

I'm not knowledgeable about salt use, but if you happen to know that it's safe to add more to your water, go ahead.

Might as well check other parameters too. The goal is Nitrite at 0, Nitrate at 0-20, temp near 78-80.


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On 10/27/2021 at 9:37 AM, CalmedByFish said:

Just because I happen to be the person seeing it right now, I'll go ahead and hop in with what I can:

Since the ammonia needs to be as close to zero as you can get it, go ahead and do that. That's water changes with water conditioner. Use Prime or Fritz to detoxify ammonia (just helping you remember what @Colu said.)

I'm not knowledgeable about salt use, but if you happen to know that it's safe to add more to your water, go ahead.

Might as well check other parameters too. The goal is Nitrite at 0, Nitrate at 0-20, temp near 78-80.


Ok thanks,but do you happen to know wether this is really fungus?

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@Helan I believe that's your Betta's slime coat deteriorating due to ammonia exposure, it may not be fungus. If you do an internet search on why the lose slime coat, ammonia is one of those things. You MUST keep his water clean and treated, most of us prefer Seachem Prime. I would probably use Aquarium Salt too, just remember that salt does not deteriorate in water. Just follow the instructions on the package to treat the tank. Then only use as much salt after that as what you took out. For example you take out a gallon, you only put in salt for that gallon. 

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