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Re-Stocking 10 gallon. Ideas to pair with Chili Rasboras?


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It's time for a change in my 10. I've kept male guppies and shrimp but lately have found myself uninterested in the stocking. Wanted a fresh start.

My LFS had a labor day sale and I picked up 12 Chili Rasboras, a fish I have wanted to keep for some time now.  The tank does have 3 pygmy corys which can be moved to another tank, but will most likely stay. 

Any suggestions for other stocking ideas? I'd like to have one more species. Initial thoughts were Norman's lampeye or Clown Killifish.

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Clown Killies would be a great color contrast to them. If you've had success with shrimp, maybe move to another color variant. It will provide a good cleanup crew that you previously had as well as be something fairly simple to keep if you've had previous success.

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On 9/6/2021 at 6:51 PM, GameCzar said:

Well ours is in a 14, but I think one Bristlenose would be fine in a 10 with chilis.  They only get about 4 inches or so I believe. 


4" is on the smaller side, 6" isn't uncommon with a fullgrown adult. Males can push over if you count to the end of the bristles. You could keep a single on in there as a juvenile, but long term a 10 wouldn't be advised. Not only is it going to be a decent sized fish the waste is the concern.

I'll caveat this by saying if it was a breeder tank setup, regular or automated water changes, bare bottom and you constantly remove the solid waste build up you could do it, but for a display, not ideal.

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On 9/6/2021 at 5:57 PM, Tihshho said:

4" is on the smaller side, 6" isn't uncommon with a fullgrown adult. Males can push over if you count to the end of the bristles. You could keep a single on in there as a juvenile, but long term a 10 wouldn't be advised. Not only is it going to be a decent sized fish the waste is the concern.

I'll caveat this by saying if it was a breeder tank setup, regular or automated water changes, bare bottom and you constantly remove the solid waste build up you could do it, but for a display, not ideal.

And THIS is why I tend to keep my mouth shut when people ask for stocking ideas.   I think I'll return to that policy. 

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On 9/6/2021 at 7:04 PM, GameCzar said:

And THIS is why I tend to keep my mouth shut when people ask for stocking ideas.   I think I'll return to that policy. 

Just wanted to be clear in no way was trying to demean you with your suggestion. Everyone has done something that they didn't know wasn't ideal before in a tank. 

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