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Quarantine Question


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I currently have 8 fish in quarantine and one is showing a spot that is appearing to be fin rot or a bacterial infection. My question being, Is it ok to move the other fish to my main tank and leave that one behind until its fully treated?  I have a few pics I can send if that would help. 

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On 8/4/2021 at 2:30 PM, laritheloud said:

I would treat them all. The others may not be showing any symptoms, but they could carry infection to your display if you introduce them without treating.

Well it's odd. This showed up about half way through the week of using the med trio (maranate method) all three meds in there for a week. Once I seen it I did a 30% water change and added more ich x and maracyn

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On 8/4/2021 at 2:40 PM, Dancing Matt said:

If you have a known infection in the tank it is best to wait the proper time and recovery of the one fish incase others are carriers with out displaying symptoms.

Yeah. Like I just told laritheloud, it's odd because this started about half way through the first week of the maranate method with the med trio (all three meds for a week).  Once I seen it I did a 30% water change and added more maracyn and ich x. It's a female swordtail and I bought 3 males with 2 females thinking it would be ok with that ratio until they got into the main tank. So I think it could have got started by some fin nipping from the males but I haven't really seen it happening. Thoughts??

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On 8/5/2021 at 9:35 AM, Chewyrat77 said:

Yeah. Like I just told laritheloud, it's odd because this started about half way through the first week of the maranate method with the med trio (all three meds for a week).  Once I seen it I did a 30% water change and added more maracyn and ich x. It's a female swordtail and I bought 3 males with 2 females thinking it would be ok with that ratio until they got into the main tank. So I think it could have got started by some fin nipping from the males but I haven't really seen it happening. Thoughts??

Just spit-balling here but, the buying and QT process is kind of stressful. It could have developed as something too small to notice and only later did it spread. Organisms can be carriers without exhibiting symptoms, that is possible, only to exhibit symptoms later. If you are worried about fin-nipping maybe put more décor (or move it to a more optimum place) to better break up line of sight. I am not that knowledgeable about sword tails but I would expect the mails would be busy with each other not to mention the females....

Best is probably keep doing what you are doing and watch the tank inhabitants and tank parameters.

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On 8/5/2021 at 11:28 AM, Chewyrat77 said:

Well it's odd. This showed up about half way through the week of using the med trio (maranate method) all three meds in there for a week. Once I seen it I did a 30% water change and added more ich x and maracyn. 

Someone else correct me if I'm wrong, but the quarantine trio, I think, is designed to treat prophylactically and bring out signs of a latent infection (or stop the start of one). It will not treat/cure fish that are sick with a greater bacterial load because it's not the therapeutic dosage, but it will make it easier for the fishkeeper to see if there is something that needs more intensive treatment.

Good luck, hopefully the treatment will do the trick!

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On 8/5/2021 at 2:59 PM, laritheloud said:

Someone else correct me if I'm wrong, but the quarantine trio, I think, is designed to treat prophylactically and bring out signs of a latent infection (or stop the start of one). It will not treat/cure fish that are sick with a greater bacterial load because it's not the therapeutic dosage, but it will make it easier for the fishkeeper to see if there is something that needs more intensive treatment.

Good luck, hopefully the treatment will do the trick!

I think your correct. After the week is up I'll probably just treat with maracyn and ich x until the waiting period is up to redose the general cure

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