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need help - how to treat?


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Not exactly sure what this is, but it is only affecting one fish - should I move to a hospital tank (assuming I can grab him) or should I treat the whole tank?

If I treat, what should I use? I have ParaCleanse and Maracyn

Any help is greatly appreciated!!

(**current tank setup is 29 Gallon, 18 Embers, 18 CPDs and 3 Otos)


Edited by DebSills
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Looks like columnaris i would treat all your fish as soon as possible as it's high contagious some of your could all ready have it and are not showing symptoms yet recommend treatment is seachems kanaplex and API furan2 together

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No columnaris is a gram negative bacterial infection so you need to with kanaplex or furan2  as they both treat gram negative bacterial infection maracyn treats gram positive bacterial infection I would recommend treating with kanaplex and API furan2 together is the most affective treatment for columnaris

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Yes.....API Triple Sulfa, or Seachem's Sulfaplex......but they will also be out of stock, if I had to venture a guess.

There is also a salt+methylene blue treatment, if I remember correctly. I believe Michael's Fish Room did a recent video on that for treating Columnaris.

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good news...my brother in law has Maracyn 2, Kanaplex and Furan 2!! My hubs is on his way to get it from him...

What is this treatment going to do to my filter media? should I take some out (I have 2 full trays in my canister) and "save" it and then put it back in there after the treatment? Or just leave it and hope it doesn't kill all of my BB?

at least my tank is relatively clean...was kind of getting overrun with some hair algae, but much better now...I was going to get some amano, but now may have to replace all of my stock 😢 keeping my fingers crossed though that everyone pulls through

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On 7/20/2021 at 7:52 PM, Colu said:

No columnaris is a gram negative bacterial infection so you need to with kanaplex or furan2  as they both treat gram negative bacterial infection maracyn treats gram positive bacterial infection I would recommend treating with kanaplex and API furan2 together is the most affective treatment for columnaris

@colu.? I thought maracyn 2 could treat gram negative fish room is asleep and dark so I cant check. It’s available on amazon 

Edited by Guppysnail
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I tried to catch them and move them to the 10g tank, but I can't...they're too fast and frankly its stressing me out...if I don't have enough furan for all 5 days, should I just use the Maracyn 2? I have enough of that for the full 5 days...I only have enough for 1 full treatment of the fluran right now...

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On 7/20/2021 at 10:23 PM, DebSills said:

I tried to catch them and move them to the 10g tank, but I can't...they're too fast and frankly its stressing me out...if I don't have enough furan for all 5 days, should I just use the Maracyn 2? I have enough of that for the full 5 days...I only have enough for 1 full treatment of the fluran right now...

Maracyn 2 does treat it.  I have no experience with culmanaris but i would do the maracyn

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On 7/21/2021 at 2:57 AM, Guppysnail said:

I thought maracyn 2 could treat gram negative fish room is asleep and dark so I cant check. It’s available on amazon 

Maracyn 2 does treat columnaris but the most effective treatment is kanaplex and API furan2 together

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On 7/21/2021 at 3:23 AM, DebSills said:

I tried to catch them and move them to the 10g tank, but I can't...they're too fast and frankly its stressing me out...if I don't have enough furan for all 5 days, should I just use the Maracyn 2? I have enough of that for the full 5 days...I only have enough for 1 full treatment of the fluran right now...

Start treating with maracyn2 and and then do a course of kanaplex when that arrives

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Update: So far no fish losses, not sure if it is spreading, but I don't think so - no real changes in the affected fish that I noticed on Tuesday, maybe a little, but might be wishful thinking. Did the second dose of Kanaplex today, so hoping that it starts to get better in the next day or two, or at least keep the fish going.

Opinions welcome - given the choice, should I do a course of Maracyn 2 after the first round of Kanaplex, or do a second round of Kanaplex - and should I do a water change a day or two after the third dose of Kanaplex?

Never really tried to treat with meds like this before, so thanks for all of the help!!!

One more thing...my nitrates are a little low - only at about ~7ish...I usually dose Easy Green 1x week, but haven't yet this week...can I dose while medicating?

Edited by DebSills
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