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Tetras Vs Rasboras


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Hard to make a generic statement like that since there are 100's of tetra species and not quite as many but still plenty of different rasbora. I suppose many of the common tetra can be a bit nippy and at least the few rasbora i've played with have been less nippy; still they seem happy enough to chase each other.

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Like @anewbie says there are different types of each. I personally have neon tetras in one tank and chili rasboras in another. I have never found the neons to be nippy; they are super playful and chase each other often but never in a way that seems at all aggressive. The chilis also enjoy chasing each other or zooming around in small groups occasionally but probably spend more time than the neons just chilling in a clump.

I've never kept or spent much time watching other types of tetras or rasboras though so I can't say how their behavior might compare. Maybe tell us what sort of tetras you keep and someone with more experience can chime in. Good luck!

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