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New Tank

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So I tried searching everywhere to find a reason for this, but I was unable to.... So here's hoping you guys can help 🙂

So I started a new planted tank on Saturday.  Its a 20G long, with Fluval Stratum substrate and a lot of misc plants.  It probably has a couple of snails in it that were stow aways, but other than that and some rocks... Nothing alive.

Today is day 2 after getting everything in and my ammonia level is 0.50PPM, and my nitrates are between 5.0 PPM and 10PPM. 

Is this normal?  Should I give it a few more days? Add prime?  Water change?


 Pls help lol


Thank you!! 



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It not fully cycled yet  I would what till your ammonia and nitirte read zero and nirates read 10-20 before adding fish and holed off on the water changes for now to allow you beneficial bacterial to catch up it can take a couple of weeks for a tank to fully cycle

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3 minutes ago, Colu said:

It not fully cycled yet  I would what till your ammonia and nitirte read zero and nirates read 10-20 before adding fish and holed off on the water changes for now to allow you beneficial bacterial to catch up it can take a couple of weeks for a tank to fully cycle

I know it's not fully cycled yet.  My Nitrite is at zero, my NiRATE is between 5-10... I thought 20PPM was too high?  My question is... Why is my Ammonia so high with NO fish? 

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Just now, tonyjuliano said:

Fluval Stratum is an “active” substrate which can release ammonia upon initiation.  It will also, most likely, lower pH.

OH! Gotcha!  THANK YOU!   Yeah I got it because it lowers PH and mine is super high.  


So I shouldn't be freaked out.  Phew. 

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3 minutes ago, Colu said:

It probably the fluval stratum leeching ammonia it can take a couple weeks for that to stop as you have no fish in the tank it's nothing to worry 

Thank you so much.  I had no idea it did that.  The more you know! 🙂

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As long as ammonia is 2ppm or lower, do nothing. If it goes above 2ppm, water change to 2ppm. When nitrites show up, maintain 2ppm or lower ammonia until nitrites hit 0. If then, ammonia and nitrite are zero, big water change to bring nitrate below 40...add fish.

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