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Hooray, all of my otos have been with me for over a month!


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I have read that otos are usually wild caught, not fed during transit, and are usually sickly and thin when they make it to the stores and could die pretty soon after being brought home. All six of mine have made it past their first milestone of one month with me. They love algae wafers and cucumber.


I guess I should knock on wood so I don't come home to one dead when I get home from work.

Enjoy a picture of one of my buddies enjoying cucumber


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I really like otto the more the merrier. I actually thought the 10 or so i had in the 120 had died off over the past 18 monhts but then one day i found all 10 in a corner last week. Hum.... tricky little devils. 

Edited by anewbie
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@anewbie I rarely see my adults (and also cannot confirm if they are all alive), they hang out at the sponge filter all day. I only see them dancing at night a little. HOWEVER my babies, they are much more out in the open than their parents, I see them constantly in the parent tank- those of generation 1 I've let hang out in there. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
to clarify
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2 hours ago, Patrick_G said:

Right on! I bought a group of four recently and one is looking a little sickly, but it’s eating well. They’re fun and work hard! 

I am no expert but that must be a good sign! Unless it's gorging itself after having been starved.  I hope your sickly one recovers!

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2 hours ago, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Mine still refuse to eat any fresh foods, just wafers and algae in the tank. I haven't tried cucumber tho....going to do that...

Mine were hesitant at first but I left the chunk of cucumber in there for a couple days and they then figured it out. I sort of regret it because now they spend most of their day searching the substrate for like algae wafer remnants instead of eating algae like they used to hahaha

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6 minutes ago, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

@mgudyka Well then there's that right? My tank is pretty clean though, even with the algae wafers about. I usually only put about half per day. 

I just discovered I have seven otos. I can't begin to explain how confused I am. Maybe it's not the end of the world if they have some extra food.

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11 hours ago, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Honestly I think one of the reasons mine is spawning is because of the extra food in the form of Hikari Wafer

Did your otos look like this before they spawned? This one 20210424_080211.jpg.1b4f3bd6709237071dd99a14272a2663.jpgis plump compared to the others. 

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