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  1. Just noticed this red dot on the side of our amano shrimp. Is it something we should be worried about?
  2. I feel terrible about this but I noticed this on my shrimp a few weeks back and didn't know any better. I saw it today, and filmed it and asked a different group what it could be. They all said it is this Ellobiopsidae or (and) Cladogonium ogishimae and to 'get rid of the shrimp'. I don't want to euthanize unless absolutely necessary. I have quarantined them into a large vase....I put an indian almond leaf in with it...but I am not sure past that what kind of medicine to give it...any suggestions on how to care of it? or is this hopeless? Any help is greatly appreciated. Also, I don't have a heater or a filter in the flower vase with it, and I have plastic wrap on the top with holes in it so air gets in. I put an algae wafer in with it so it could eat...don't know if that was a mistake. my water parameters in the planted 40 gallon he was in was 0 ammonia PH 6.6 Nitrite 0.0 Nitrate 20 GH 9 KH 5 Temp 78f He is in the water from that tank....also, should I be worried about my 100+ other RCS in that tank?
  3. amcd58

    shrimp help

    Hey guys- I need some help with my 10 gallon shrimp tank. I started out with 6 blue rili shrimp that started thriving right away. Lately I noticed that there are a lot less in there. I have found two dead shrimp one with a brown spot. Multiple shrimps in my tank have a brown spot on their back. I have done some reading and think they have brown spot disease. I have not a treatment for this though. I have included a picture of a shrimp with the spot. I do bi weekly water changes. My water parameters are ph- 8.2 ammonia- 0 nitrite- 0 nitrate -5 gh and kh are both off the chart
  4. Hi, I've had four amano shrimp for the past 6 months, raised from juvenile to full size in my tank. 2 male, 2 female, based on dot pattern. Parameters, pretty steady since I got them, tested with API liquid drops: Ph: 7.2 to 7.6 Gh: 9-11 deg Kh: 3 deg Ammonia, nitrite: 0 Nitrate: less than 20 Temp : 78 F The past three weeks they have been extremely inactive, mostly piling together, sometimes on top of each other, doing nothing more than fanning swimmerettes. Typical behavior in the past has been constantly scouring the tank for food and algae, rarely interacting with each other, just in passing. Now hair algae is left untouched, and they only seem to eat the occasional shrimp pellet if I drop it right in front of them. And even that is nowhere near the ravenous frantic eating I'm used to seeing from them. They have always molted fine and appear to be continuing to do so, but going back to the lethargic behavior after. Nothing is harassing them, they aren't hiding most of the time, no new tank mates, nothing breeding in the tank. There are also neritie snails in the tank that seem to be their normal selves with normal behavior. I tried a dose of General cure and 5 days of maracyn both per the boxes; their behavior has remained much the same as described. No visible signs of anything unusual on their bodies. Video that shows their typical behavior of the past three weeks: https://imgur.com/gallery/KPOvtd0 Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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