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  1. After I do a water change, they suddenly swim all over the place, shoal, dart up to the surface, scavenge the substrate... basically, they are SUPER active. I have a really small shoal (4 currently, getting more tomorrow though) in a 30gal, and they pretty much just chill and hide in my plants for most the day. However when I do a water change, they start rushing around! Is it the increase in water current? Is it because it kicks up the substrate? Is it just the fresh water? Is is the temperature change? Is there anyway to know what specifically they enjoy about it so much?? The only reason I wonder this is because of the water current ... would they enjoy one of those current devices? I just want them to be happy 😂😭😭
  2. My spouse: "So when you're on the forum talking to other people, are you schooling?"
  3. Shoaling and schooling In biology, any group of fish that stay together for social reasons are shoaling, and if the group is swimming in the same direction in a coordinated manner, they are schooling. In common usage, the terms are sometimes used rather loosely. Wikipedia
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