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  1. Hey guys, So I’m looking for some opinions on what if anything I could try to keep with my pair of convicts. Tank is 30 gallons and has lots of driftwood and spider wood and cover but I’m well aware that 30 is pretty tight when it comes to how insane a breeding pair of cons are. I’ve left them by themselves so far but I’m curious if there is anything that could potentially stand a chance of being okay and possible control fry population a bit (I feel like I’m always removing babies lol). Thinking something that’s very quick and hangs out in the top portion of that tank? If it’s not worth it then it’s not worth it, as I don’t want to just add fish that would be killed, but I figured I’d see if anyone had any ideas or experience trying something like this! I thought of giant danios but I’m not sure I like the idea of putting such an active swimmer in anything less than a 48” tank. Let me know what you guys think.
  2. Guys has anyone experienced this? I added a female convict about 2inch to my tank which holds 2x firemouth and 1x Salvini all living peacefully with 5x large corydoras. The convict has attacked all the Cory's targeting the barbs and eyes!! I've never seen this in all my years in the hobby. Have I just acquired a demon fish, I know this can happen on a rare occasion.
  3. Not my fish it's a buddies and he asked me why his convict look like this? But I don't know anything about chiclids, I've never kept them. Can some on help educate us lol
  4. So I was looking at invert aquatics website to get my axolotl food and I saw they had freeze dried meal worms and I wanted to know if I could feed to to my convict chiclid
  5. I have a convict chiclid and when ever I get near a certain part of her tank she attacks the brush I use to clean algae off the glass
  6. Because we live far away from our fish club, we compose video journals for BAP entries. Here's our video journal on breeding pink convict cichlids. I know . . . I know . . . "just add water" (right?!) But we always learn a lot in this process. If you've got time, this might give you some ideas. Let us know what you think. Pink (or Gold) convicts are actually quite attractive!
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