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  1. I have a 75 gallon plated tank with rainbows bolivian rams cardinals ember tetras green fire tetras swabwa rasboras Green neon rasboras was thinking of adding a school of Congo tetras to this tank. Will my other fish , mostly the smaller ones be safe with Congo’s?
  2. Hello, I have a new 29g tank in the process of cycling. I will likely be placing an order with Aquahuna in the next couple of weeks. Because the tank is so tall, I was thinking about doing two angels - the Avatar blues. However, my LFS has Congo tetras on display forever but none for sale, and I think they are beautiful. Do you think I could do 8 of those in a 29g? It’s not as long as I would like, but I’m hoping they wouldn’t be too cramped. Anyone have these? The other worry I have is placing an online order, there’s not guarantee I’ll get a mix of male and female and I so want at least a couple of males! Tank mates will be 2 dwarf patties, corydoras and cardinals.
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