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  1. Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum and excited to be here. I just won a giveaway and received a ton of Bucephalandra which I have decided to use as the showpiece in my Fluval Spec V (5 gallon). Does anyone have advice for other plants that I can use to complete my scape? I'm running a low tech tank with the stock light (for now) and am using fine sand for substrate with root tabs. I intend to purchase red root floaters to provide shade, so this will ultimately be a low light tank. I'm currently thinking that the eventual occupants of the tank will be a betta and a Dwarf Mexican Crayfish, but that is TBD. I've been considering maybe doing some crpyt wendtii along the sides and some crypt parva throughout the middle of the tank, but I'm not sure how successful that will be with my sand substrate. I was also thinking microsword?? I want the buce to remain the star of the tank, but I also want to increase my plant load to fight algae and clean the water. I'm currently only running the light for 6 hours a day as the tank establishes and have popped in some EZ green to get things going. Any other general advice people have for a tank this young?
  2. Hi All! I just got a nasty case of anubias rot that took out half of my plant stock in my 5g so I'm shopping for Bucephalandras to replace them. Looking on Buce Plant, they have a ton of different kinds and it's kind of overwhelming. I would love to see photos of yours and get recommendations to help me decide what to buy. I'm open to all kinds in all shapes, colors and sizes. My tank parameters are stable pH at 7.4, nitrates at ~10, temp 76 degrees, low light, low tech. Dosing one pump Easy Green once a week. Thank you!
  3. Hi all, I recently bought some new buce to put on my driftwood and for about a few weeks it was doing good BUT then it started melting A BUNCH for no reason. I heard that newly introduced buce melts. Is that true? Is this normal? When will they recover? Thank you in advance. If you need more info about the tank, parameters, etc, let me know.
  4. First time I’ve ever had a plant flower in any thing I own. And honestly probably the first time I’ve seen it in person. its Pretty neat. I’m try and get some good photos the next few days. I noticed it when I was feeding. It’s got a 48 inch current USA light and a sponge filter. I does easy green/iron when I remember to.
  5. Anyone from the Co-Op team: any idea on when this plant will be back in stock?
  6. So I mistimed my orders by assuming a large piece of driftwood would arrive tomorrow for me to start a rescape project. It's gonna arrive between Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. I had ordered a ton of different types of bucephalandra species. Will Buce be okay vaguely floating in a unoccupied and cycled hospital tank with decent light until the driftwood arrives? Or do they HAVE to be attached to hardscape in order to survive at all? More info on the hospital tank the buce is in: It's fully cycled, has a decent light, and is dedicated to growing plants to a healthy, transferable state since I rarely have to put fish in. I figured if any fish do fall ill and they have to be quarantined, a separate planted tank would help alleviate stress. Thank you for the suggestions in advance.
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