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  1. CPDs are supposed to look like tiny brook trout (yes, yes...it's a char). But when looking at the zebra danios in my tank, I think the spotted ones look a lot more like brown trout. I'll try an snag a picture of the male, he's got more of the look, I think. What do you all think? Any other fish look alikes?
  2. Maybe someone can help me here. I have a black moor that was upside down this morning when I woke I tested the water there is nitrites in the water I did a 30% change. He lives with a dojo and hillstream loaches in a 40 breeder that has been set up since November last year. If it was caused by the nitrites what do I do? They all eat repashy,duckweed,bug bites, cichlid excel, brine shrimp and blood worms sometimes. I do weekly water changes on this tank every Thursday. I have no idea what caused this! The only filter that I clean weekly is the intake sponge the rest get cleaned when I see a change in flow which is about every 2 months or so and I never do more than one in a water change. How can I help my fat Albert.
  3. Derpy is a Black Moor that we purchased from a chain about a month ago. Unfortunately he went downhill fairly quickly. He has developed some kind of white coating with a pronounced streak down his side. I've been battling this for the past four or five days. I've added salt at a little over 1TB/gal and given three treatments of Ich-X with small water changes. He doesn't seem to be improving. At this point he is very lethargic. Water parameters are good. No heater, so water temp fluctuates a bit from 68-70. I don't have access to an antibiotic currently, so I'm not sure what else to try. More salt & hope for the best?
  4. I have read some articles that @Jungle Fan had recommended... Thank you again. Very helpfully!! I still have a lot to learn. But my Black Moor 🖤Charlie🖤 She seems to be doing better. Don't get me wrong, It has only been a couple days. She has not been sitting at the bottom of the tank or acting lethargic. I am not certain it is swim bladder. Honestly I don't know. That scares me A LOT... But I have to do the best I can and Keep educating myself. Thank you guys
  5. Hey guys, I am almost 100% sure my Black Moor has swim bladder disease. I'm not sure what to do. I know there isn't much I can do. But I feel like she is now starting to suffer. This is my first fish. And I probably don't know what I'm doing or doing it right. But I have really tried my best to keep her health. If anyone sees this and has any advice or can help me out. Thank you... 🖤
  6. My Black Moor... I am a beginner and I don't know about ya'll but I kinda don't, kinda do know what I'm doing. Mostly from watching YouTube. But WOW so many different opinions!!! Very confusing🤔 Everything was all good until She got bigger and now I believe she has something wrong with her. I have nobody to talk to about this kind of stuff. Soooo, I thought I would try joining. Hopefully I am doing this right. This is my 1st time doing anything like this. Hope Everyone has a awesome day.
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