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  1. Hey all, I started setting up this 20gal long tank a couple weeks ago. Just added some dwarf mondo grass (just noticed some of those need to have roots inserted into substrate better in my photos- I'm in bed, I'll do it tomorrow) and crypt pink flamingo this evening and figured I'd get photos to document it. The water is a little cloudy- awaiting a Water Polishing Filter Pad that I will cut to size and attach to the sponge filter to help with that. I'll continue to update. Running a semi scaped tank - plants may get a bit crazy. We'll see. I'm still not entirely sure what's going to go in this tank but I'll probably grab a couple ramshorn snails from the 40 breeder and throw them in here to help clean up as some of the plants melt back and regrow. Beyond that I am thinking this tank will either be a single species tank for some kind of tetra or ... who knows. Open to suggestions, of course, as always. Definitely fish that like natural(ish) stone river bottoms and some driftwood and lots of plants. Keep an eye out for updates over the coming weeks, months, and beyond on this tank.
  2. hey everybody I've been making posts here & there on the general forum about this new aquarium I've put together. I thought I'd start a thread dedicated to this aquarium and it's progress. I'll be updating photos, keeping journals, among other things here. Here's a breakdown of my setup: -20 gallon plastic planter pot from Home Depot -construction site clear-crush 1/8" gravel (seems to be keeping the water nice & hard) -20 gallon air pump hooked into an upside-down glass beer bottle with 2 small holes at the top filled with filter media & an intake sponge, effectively filtering ammonias, oxygenating the water, and circulating the water -20 gallon submersed water pump mounted on top a small clay ornament, also buried in the gravel (to reduce death by suction); the out-take of this pump travels through a pipe which exits the waters surface and falls back into the aquarium from ~2.5 inches -100W TopFin heater; I also have a 100W EHEIM heater but the TopFin 100w takes up a bit less space / less noticeable -DIY co2 rig using 2 soda bottles, baking soda & citric acid -A 3 piece LED light with 5 different light settings; timers that I've not bothered to mess with yet -A big hunk of driftwood, anubias plants, a couple egeria densa, and a few pieces of floating green cabomba, or maybe hornwort -Plant growth additive, 5-in-1 test strips (pH,KH,GH, NO-2, NO-3), an ammonia test kit, and some de-chlorinator in case I need to quickly balance the aquarium with fresh water due to an ammonia spike or something -3 guppies currently while in cycle; one male and two fry who are yet to be gendered; I'll be adding 2 more males and 5 females, and I'll also add two otocinclus to help clean up I plan on bringin' this baby outside in the springtime to the front veranda or the deck in the backyard; I'll put wire mesh overtop and place a weight on it to keep out the riff-raff at night time
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