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  1. Movie thread got me thinking. Also, searched and didn't see a reading thread other than favorite books. If I missed it, please banish me to the shadow realm. I am currently reading The Wheel of Time series (15 books, I think) by Robert Jordan. I'm on book four The Shadow Rising.
  2. I just remembered this book, which I loved and highly recommend. Its called Shadowmen by Anthony Napoleon, it goes through history showing how societies have been constantly controlled by 'Shadowmen' through subliminal messanges and social engineering. https://www.amazon.com/Shadow-Men-Encyclopedia-Mind-Control-ebook/dp/B015D5W0EA/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=19BRB8PIOA2RJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TRSkcg9kaZhxVakR-epkS1VERLSb31bP7nvd18720b90pv7GtNgM5wCEPX4bV9pPXtI8XEdRt6QoRFHpBE-_kI5V1c4EL-1cEncqcV_tKDD9-TAj-ZL5tTq5QusKDHYYApCK2qeEBiRPU8-0x_-5WiDh5zZCXrvdrIgT-jjZJyWBcCYyz7zvHqsQjQUqigdrCgAAKLwWaA_LOLThjMFLaw.Y9czrxllTJX2l63muFeUhH8U567kkplThmWdEyjPgao&dib_tag=se&keywords=shadow+men+anthony+napoleon&qid=1728063263&sprefix=Shadow+men%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-1
  3. Revisiting Midsummer Night's Dream as my current bedtime story before sleep. What can I say, I love Puck! A very underrated fairytale in my book (pun intended!)
  4. Nice book, @xXInkedPhoenixX! I finished this book last night. Pretty textbook-like, but it was interesting.
  5. Do NOT cancel me for this but I hated the movies (way too long for me, didnt get it, just didnt like it) so I have always been turned off to the books. Would you say the books are better than the movies, if so, what is the biggest difference? I own this book as well! Great manual for aquarium plants. YES! I ADORED this book omg. Very dystopian. A teacher recommended it to me after 1984. I had to take a break from dystopia books after that hahaha
  6. Long books are not the same as long movies. I don't know how to describe it. I will read a book that is 1000+ pages but if a movie is longer than 90 minutes I do NOT want to watch it. No clue why that is lol
  7. I was going to say that if you think the movies are too long the maybe don't read the books which are even longer. Personally I love the books but I get that they are not for everyone. A read for slightly younger readers but a series I found entertaining nonetheless was Fablehaven by Brandon Mull. Again its an easy read but if you want to read a book without having to puzzle out story lines its nice.
  8. They're my favorite movies ever... I have watched them SO many times. I prefer the movies vs. the book. I appreciate what the books have done for fantasy and all that. But to be honest, they're a bit much. So many song breaks... 😄 I know that might not be a popular opinion, but I think if you don't like the movies you're going to have a hard time with the books.
  9. Bernard Cornwell wrote The Saxon Series, it was made into a series by Netflix called The Last Kingdom. They're both good. I will say that the books get a bit repetitive, but they're good. Perhaps my favorite non-fiction book that I've ever read is Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. I don't think it's particularly complex, but is a really good look at... well... "us".
  10. Well, lately I've been reading through this. but I'm also reading a John Scalzi book at the moment, Agent to the Stars. Fun sci-fi. I enjoy his work a lot.
  11. Mainly classic stories. Big fan of stories like Wizard of Oz, Gulliver's Travels, Jungle Book, Treasure Island, Hardy Boys, etc. Also enjoy political fiction, Orwell and the like. Enjoy poetry as well. Not a huge fan of sci-fi. I like fantasy under some circumstances. Historical fiction is good too. I like most nonfiction, but if I am unfamiliar with the topic it shouldn't be too too complex lol. I am a pretty strong reader. I am not too picky overall, just not sci fi I guess!
  12. Finished Beowulf. Highly recommend it for people who like historical texts, poetry, Old English-type writing, and heavier topics. Many wonderful quotes within that book. Going to try to find an easier read that isn't so heavy and artfully written. Recommendations welcome, haha.
  13. As I read through this thread I couldn't help but notice the amount of Fantasy people were reading. Which brought me back to my younger days of loving David Eddings books. Books about knights & dragons, chivalry. Good stuff!! Now that im old...... Errrr; more mature, im mostly a big fan of motivational, inspirational, spiritual, or how-to books or like above which lightly touch on numerous interesting topics that can be applied to improving oneself. I cringe when I call them self help books. Anyhow my next book is one I loved in my late teens and most likely inspired by this thread! Im intrested to see how after 20+ years since originally reading it, my perspective has changed! I was also excited to discover they made a 2006 movie out of the book!
  14. Yeah, I would have to second that most gravel and sand (and really any rocks) is a huge rip off in my book. I mean sometimes it makes sense - if you have a scape in mind, you are not going to be able to find something like ohko stone outside in nature or for super duper cheap/free on second-hand shops... or if you want a specific color, material (e.g. for hard / basic water types) that all makes sense. But the fact that pet stores can sell 5 pounds of round river rocks for 20 bucks or so is crazy. Or basic mixed grey sand. My brain looks at that and thinks: 'havent these people heard of going outside with a bucket and collecting things???' And even for specifics, like cmon, the prices are pretty unreasonable in my book. Even if you want white sand, 10 bucks for a 2 - 3 pound bag is crazy expensive. FOR SAND. Thankfully more and more people are realizing and sharing that play sand / pea gravel / etc from hardware stores are much cheaper :]
  15. Im only 1 chapter deep, but it gave me chills. A lot more people noticing coincidences than 20 years ago, (at least in my circles), paying attention to dreams, numbers, ect. This paragraph especially hit wayyyyyy harder! Along with the due date As for the 2nd book (the tenth insight) I couldn't get into. It was too abstract for me at that time
  16. 20 more pages and ill need a new book, great easy read!
  17. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab - I have owned this book for years and never picked it up. I thought it was very good, pretty unique. I've barely read for the last few months... moving and whatnot really screws that up.
  18. I have not been reading too much lately but the book I am currently working on is Disciplines of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes. I have I few others me and my brother bought but I haven’t gotten to those yet.
  19. That was the plan! I bought this furniture lever, its probably over kill but better to have (the additional weight capacity) and not need it, than to need a stronger lever and not have it. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CNVYKVL1/ref=pe_386300_440135490_TE_simp_item_image Thanks! Lifting the tank alone was not in the plans but ill definitely book mark for a future project!
  20. Hi fellow plant nerds, looking for some aquarium book recommendations. My name is Jack, been keeping planted tanks for almost 6 years. I love researching fish and plants on the internet but I’d like to expand to books. I totally get that there is unlimited knowledge on the internet, but I’m a sucker for having a hard physical copy I can look at and feel and interact with. I’ve got Walstad’s book, I have Knott’s book, but I’m really looking for a book that has ton’s of in depth info on aquarium plants, but any book recommendations will do. P.S. enjoy this photo of one of my pygmy corys (just ignore the clearly deficient val leaves😂)
  21. I was at a book store and happened opon these two books. Opon opening them, I found both hold hundreds of species of fresh and salt water fish. The books go into detail on each fish size, identifying features, habitat type, exactly where they live, and more! The book to the left has many species of goby, killifish, sunfish, and daters along with butterfly fish and more! The book on the right is detailed about nothing but tropical salt water fish! Both books are very interesting and I thought I should share for anyone else interested in these types of books!
  22. My reading ebbs and flows with the season. But I'm quite literally always reading a book. In fact, if I finish up a book at say, 11 PM, while laying in bed. I go out to my book shelves and pick out the next book and start reading it. I might only make it through a page before nodding off. But I've always got one going. I've always joked that if I run out of books to read I'll die. I can appreciate moving to different hobbies, however. It's difficult to do other things while reading (unless you're listening to audiobooks). I can also appreciate that a lot of the tropes and whatnot are recycled. That said, I think we might be in the golden age of fantasy... the same ol' tropes, but interesting and unique twists. 🙂 My reading does sometimes stray from fantasy. I also enjoy horror, scifi and thrillers for changes of pace. I have tended to try to listen to audiobooks for non-fiction books when I can precisely because of what you mention. I can appreciate some effort being made to tell a compelling story. But a lot of times it just seems like they're trying to hit a page count for a publisher. I read Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of time many years ago and that was like running into a buzzsaw. A really interesting book, but it felt heavy.
  23. Just to give you an idea of the complexity of iding juveniles. I still have a text book on fly identification. It’s close to 1200 pages. In it you look at things like antennae base formation. You look at what hair is in what place on what plate. Granted, flies are much more complex than dragonflies with many many more species. But juvenile anything makes it much harder
  24. Anyone like The Expanse? Anyway I figured I'd start a journal, mostly to share bad pics of things I'm excited about with people whose eyes won't glaze over like my friends' do when I talk about fish, or like mine do when people talk to me about video games and comic book movies. Of the many things I'm not good at, photography is one, so don't get your hopes up. 🙂 Some of my emersed plants started flowering instead of dying. Pretty cool, would definitely recommend. S. repens A. nana petite And after what's felt like forever, my Pseudomugil gertrudae Aru II eggs started hatching about a week ago. Many of the initial ones I collected just never hatched. I can still see them in the tank I was throwing them into, fully developed and just sitting there like 3 weeks later. Ultimately blowing into the jars with some airline to drop the pH worked great to force them. Didn't think I'd have to do that cuz my water is pretty soft (gH 4, kH 4) but that's what worked. I think I've got around 30 or so fry. The setup is a bare bottom 5.5 gal with a sponge filter, 2 males and 3 females, a big ol' potted crypt, java moss, and 2 mops on either end. I get around 15-25 eggs whenever I check the mops, many of which fail to develop. They're young fish though so hopefully that will improve.
  25. Hi there, I'm 25 and coming to you live from Philly in an apartment too small for all the tanks I'd like to have! Like some others, I'm newly returning to the hobby after some childhood fishkeeping. I was inspired by a friend's planted tank and the gorgeous planted tanks I saw on YouTube, read Diana Walstad's book, did a lot of dirted tank-specific forum reading, and my 20 gallon tank (pictured below) will have been up for exactly 4 months in a week 🙂 I joined the forum to ask for some fish-related help, and figured it was only polite to introduce myself first!
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