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Everything posted by CornAndCrawlers

  1. Have any of your darters laid eggs on the spawning mop yet?
  2. Have you ever experimented with feeding live scuds to your darters?
  3. 1. If you are trying to grow plants than ditch the store-bought replacement filters, it will absorb your liquid fertilizers. 2. Don't try to do it all in one tank. Focus on aesthetics with display tanks and focus on making fish babies with your breeding tanks, if you try to marry the two you're just making things harder than they need to be. 3. Quality fish food is important. Learn to hatch live baby brine shrimp, learn about other live food cultures and buy frozen foods. 4. Invest in fish medicines and quarantine new fish. Preventative medication is more likely to succeed than trying to save weakened sick fish. 5. If you want plants, make life easy and just use gravel. Fine sand is a pain in the butt to plant things in and expensive aquarium substrates are not worth it.
  4. All of my guppies have been moved to a 37 gallon aquarium, seemed like the better long-term housing for a group that would multiply than the 6 gallon that they were sharing with shrimps. Unfortunately, one guppy female died shortly after the move. Her death put me at 3 males and 8 females. Two deaths in this guppy experiment was a bummer, but then I noticed a few little fry swimming about. +4 guppy fry! The 37 gallon tank was scaped only with Anubias (not the best hiding spot) so I netted up these lil guys and plopped em back in the original 6 gallon that their parents started in. I will do this with anymore fry I discover. This tank has lots of java moss in it and less predators. After I moved the fry I turned on my baby brine shrimp hatchery, so tomorrow morning I should be able to give them a delicious nutritious meal.
  5. What's the personality on your banded darters? I've noticed the rainbow darters come to the front of the glass and stare at me when I come down, but this fantail darter runs away and hides, took me forever to get these two fuzzy photos of him. Are banded darters shy or curious?
  6. whoa, these are some amazing photos! Also, I never knew that shining light on an egg would effect them--learned something new today,
  7. Temp 68 Nitrite 1 Nitrate 25 GH 150 KH 180 pH 7.2 Chlorine 0 Ammonia 0 Alkalinity 120 I noticed this fuzzy white growth this morning. Because its a fuzzy it makes me think its a fungus but I have no idea, any help identifying and treating? Thanks.
  8. Johannes, beautiful native fish you caught! Fish Folk, that banded darter is stunning. Will it eat all those blood worms by itself? I'm still trying to figure out these guys eating habits.
  9. grass seed update: More sprouts, although you might not be able to tell from the first photo, but in the second photo you can see that I now have a ton of floating sprouts.
  10. So so cool, thank you for taking the time to record video of the eggs and the gradual hatching and then post them here. Truly cool to see dace fry,
  11. I haven't even figured out what type of darters these are yet, but all I know for sure is that I love them and I will do as much research as possible so that I can do give these little darters a wonderful aquarium life.
  12. The grass seed I bought on amazon came with instructions and a 3 day to sprout promise. After 7 days there was still no sprouts so I gave up on them, bought and inserted some other plants and filled up the aquarium with water, I kinda figured these seeds would just rot away and be food for bacteria and shrimp. However, after about a week of being fully submerged, they have now all sprouted. Some of them have taken root in the substrate, some have taken root on my moss, and others haven't taken any root and just float up at the top. Everyday it gets a little more lush but I'm expecting that all of this will die off quickly..
  13. Sick guppy update day 3: Unfortunately the sick guppy died shortly after I performed a water change. I thought cleaner water would help but instead I think I stressed out an already weak fish... I will not make that same mistake in the future. Stocking update day 3: I added one more female to the tank to help divvy up some of the aggro/chasing that the 1 male inflicts on the females. New guppy female addition
  14. Your entries are so thorough and organized.. it's incredibly impressive. Looking forward to more entries!
  15. Sick Guppy update day 2: I did not see the guppy eat any of the Fluval Bug Bites flakes that I dropped into its quarantine tank so today I added some live baby brine shrimp. I believe I saw it snap at a few, but it moves pretty slow so I can not be sure. I then checked the temperature of the quarantine tank and realized its sluggishness might be my fault, the water in the tank is only at 66 degree Fahrenheit. I do not own any additional tank heaters so I placed a heat lamp nearby.
  16. The moss is actually terrestrial moss that I found near a local river. I thought it looked nice and tossed it in, I've heard terrestrial moss may die after a while submerged though. Balancing the diet with something more vegetative is a great idea. Next time im at the pet store ill look for something complimentary to mix in with their feeding.
  17. I want to learn to breed fish and so I figured I'd start with the basics, the easy guppy. Today I purchased 4 guppies from Petco, 1 male and 3 female. I placed them into a 6 gallon tank that currently houses 10 cherry shrimp, if they breed as well that will also be logged. The male has the orange tail and is on the right, two females are center and center left. I noticed right away that three of these four fish were swimming happily about while one looked as if it was struggling. Upon further inspection I noticed a white bump on its upper lip. I have never quarantined a fish before, but I figured now was the time, I placed this female in a 2 gallon critter carrier with a small sponge filter, 2 tablespoons of epsom salt, and half of a tetra lifeguard tablet. I split the tablet because it said it was good for 5 gallons. I will keep this fish in here for a week and re-evaluate the fish based on its appearance. FOOD Currently, it is Fluval Bug Bites Flakes (Color enhancing formula) a small pinch x2 a day TEMPERATURE 76 Degrees Fahrenheit WATER PERAMETERS (looked at from Top Fin 5-1 test strip) PH: 7.6 KH (alkalinit)y: 180-300ppm (hard to read strip) GH (hardness): 300-1000 (hard to read strip) Nitrite: .25ppm, did a 30% water change and now its lower Nitrate: 0 Ammonia: 0
  18. Hi, I am VERY NEW to the hobby. I have 4 aquariums and am looking to create an aquarium log for each tank so that I can better understand each tank. Without making it too difficult, what type of information would you all recommend that I absolutely need to track? Also, if I keep a photo journal, where should I keep it? on Microsoft word? On these forums? Thank you for any and all input.
  19. fed my 5 little tetras that live in my shrimp tank and I noticed my first ever baby shrimp 😄
  20. Hah, thank you! In addition to being new to fish keeping, im also new to the scientific method 😛 Doing an experiment was fun though, I plan on doing more and hopefully I will label the terms correctly next time.
  21. I got my first order from aquarium coop today, any idea what these orange balls are?
  22. Background of experiment: I have some cherry shrimp in a planted tank. I hear calcium is good for shrimp and magnesium and potassium are good for plants and that these elements can be observed by measuring GH. Problem: How can I add calcium, magnesium and potassium to my water? Hypothesis: If I add a multi-vitamin to my water than it will add these vitamins to my water and I can measure this change by checking GH. Dependent variable: normal tap water Independent variable: water with a vitamin Independent variable 2: water with a crushed vitamin Results: After 24 hours, my GH did not increase from this multi-vitamin. Instead, my PH increased from 7.0 to 8.5 and my KH increase from 40 to 180.
  23. Hi hi! I'm an Iowa butcher and baby beginner aquarist. I have two empty 39 gallon tanks and im going to go out and catch local minnows or shiners and then breed them. Not for profit or anything, Im just really into understanding more about my local wildlife. Currently, my only tank running right now is a 6 gallon rimless with neocaridina shrimp, a couple pest snails and 5 small tetras (I forget which type). I LOVE that this tank has algae over the glass--the shrimp seem to love the stuff and its fun watching them chow down on the walls.
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