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Posts posted by sweetpoison

  1. On 6/30/2022 at 9:01 PM, Odd Duck said:

    I wouldn’t put chilis with a discus unless the discus is crazy tiny. Chilis are itty bitty things and hide a lot. You would probably rarely see them if there was a discus in the tank with them. I barely see them in my nanofish tank. I just got in 20 more into QT to see if boosting their numbers will get them out of hiding better. I have about 30 in the tank now and don’t see much of them. I’m hoping 50 will get them more comfortable.

    I think @Fish Folkhas very good suggestions. I really like my ember tetras and my Kubotais rasboras. They are pretty bold but not so frenetic in their activity levels that they would bother a discus. Temp wise the embers are probably a better match for the discus than either rummies or Kubotais. What color is your wee discus?  Do you want to contrast or do a matching color theme?

    So you don’t think that the Rummies would tolerate that higher temp? This is sad news. But I had Rummynose with my discus all the time in my 55 gallons and they thrived and survived and they loved me very much 😂I don’t really care about a color theme. But I just really wanted runmy nose I love them so much and that discus that I have to get…

    Chilis not a good idea they hide a lot…

    Well shitums, @Odd Duck

  2. On 6/30/2022 at 8:46 PM, Fish Folk said:

    I like to keep my Discus pretty warm. I'd probably go with a small pack of Rummys, the rescue-Discus, and some Rams. But if you don't like Rams, maybe try the Green neons. a 20-long isn't quite the tank I prefer a 29 gal. tall fits on the exact footprint, but leaves a lot more space to explore. If I have a 29 gal, I'd go for 12x Rummys, 12x Green Neons, the Rescue Discus, and a pair of Rams. I know it's overstocked.

    Here's a Ram Grow-out my son had in his room with s singe Discus. Just a 20 gal tall. I swear that Discus believed it was a Ram...


    I do too I used to keep my discus I think around 82. So that’s what I was wondering if the other ones I listed could deal with that temp. I love your tank so much and I’m going to look for those Rams. The more I think about it I think this might be a 29 because I remember the 20 looks really small for me ~ I can’t remember is there a way to find out ~ is it written anywhere LOL it’s funny cause I was going to get the tall and then everybody said no no no more swimming room get the long😂

    I cannot wait to get that Discus. So do you think that I should get all my fish at once or the discus first?  I’m trying to get this tank cycled now with ammonia So I can go get him

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  3. I have a 20 gal long. These are the wet pets I’m interested in.

    Rummynose is my favorite ~ and I will be adopting an orphaned tiny discus. So he will be with them. I raised discus for years and know about them well. I also had one alone for a long time and he did quite well.  It’s not open for debate he needs a home.  He is stunted so won’t get too big.

    Should I get them all at once or the discus first?

    How many of each?
    Green neon tetras,

    Chilli Rasboras,

    Celestial Pearl Danios


    Rummynose tetras,

    neon tetras,

    Harlequin Rasboras,

    Celestial Pearl Danio,

    Harlequin Rasboras

    Rainbow Shiners

    • Like 3
  4. Thank you for these directions on how to superglue something underwater. Because I have more plants coming.  I always put your post in my notes on my iPhone under aquarium so I can find everything🤣step-by-step instructions for me♥️

    OK People In My Phone ❥

    I just finished this tank I’m telling you, that I wish I had put two tiles on the bottom of each tile ~ these puppies tried to float away from ME🥴  I thought oh HELL No!  The Driftwood had bubbles all over it they were not happy😂

    I really like it I have some dark green plants coming.  Kind of cloudy ~ it was so clear but it’s cloudy now because I was playing inside and it was FUN👏

    Do you guys think it really needs a background? If I got one more tall plant I could hide those cords…I was gonna pick up the my paint today but then I have to take a lot of water out to move this tank out to paint🤪 I do think that pretty blue look so good without it.  But the tank kind of looks bigger without it. Optical illusion I’m sure!

     So now I have to  start cycling this tank and get some actual wet pets!  Do you know that I bought this tank in April🤦‍♀️


    I forgot the picture I’m so sorry!



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  5. @PepereI want to paint the back of my aquarium, but in order for me to do that I have to drain a lot of water from this 20 gallon long so I can move the stand. What is that gonna do to my progress of my water cycle?

    I’d rather do it now before I get wet pets if I ever do😂

  6. On 6/28/2022 at 7:24 PM, Fish Folk said:

    Peacock Cichlids. Africans. Max size will be 6 inches. If you do this, they need a minimum tank size of 55 gal, and should be heavily stocked - 20 males. Be sure you only buy bright males, not dull females. Study up on them. Glad to share tips. We kept Mbunas awhile.



    I use to have chiclids years ago!  Discus are the only ones I can keep now. 

    Thank you!

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  7. On 6/27/2022 at 2:56 PM, Minanora said:


    Good news is that when you're done it's going to be AWESOME! 😄 

    Just might be hope for me yet!  This is the clearest my tank has been since my sand fiasco🤗 somebody recommended filter floss and boy does that really work! I think I first put my tank up in April. Do you see the fish I have? You have to look hard because they are ghost fish and very invisible!  I have no background, no driftwood, no fish🥴

    It was one thing after another now I am cycling my tank ~ it’s a mess in there atm, I am putting up my Forestwood soon☺️


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  8. @Guppysnaildoes that mean you want me to find it? 😂😂😂♥️

    I found it but I don’t know how to tag this poster to that thread.  @Jaspyjaspyou have to find it just go to my profile I guess click on my name up there, and then I think the name of the thread is “would you do this” I don’t have very many threads.  Well maybe I do I am pretty needy!

    Great information I learned a lot and I have my tank on it. And trust me that stand has not been the problem for me😂 @Guppysnailis so smart and so wise and so helpful pay attention to what she says seriously. Lots people in that thread helped me and I listen to what they said pretty much 100% and I went for it. My opinion which really isn’t much I am relatively new here too and I’ve always had stands for my tanks but I didn’t wanna buy one this time. Looking at your desk it doesn’t look like a real thick sturdy wood that’s all I got on that matter don’t listen to me though😂😂 but there are things you can do to reinforce it like they taught me to put plywood underneath my tank, and a big plastic tablecloth because I don’t want to get water on my stand ~ it was my parent’s and they lived in Saudi Arabia for 20 years and I think that’s where they got this. So I want to protect it.  And they helped me.  The main thing other than reinforcing with plywood, is that huge plastic tablecloth, because I always spill water🤪

    Welcome to the form!

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  9. On 6/27/2022 at 2:56 PM, Minanora said:

    I feel your pain. Lol.

    Knowing that it's going into a fish tank makes it hard mode. 😛

    You could use them for target practice! =D

    Dawn dish soap or oxyclean may do it. But it's going in a tank so eh. Bleh.

    Good news is that when you're done it's going to be AWESOME! 😄 

    I got new coasters NO cork backing they’ll be here tomorrow😂

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/27/2022 at 7:02 AM, Minanora said:

    Glues can be a pain in the butt.

    That is an understatement make no mistake!  I cannot take anymore off I have been working on this for two hours. As you can see the middle top is the only one I got perfectly clear the rest are a little bit sticky😡

    I tried every method conceivable.  If I had known this was gonna be such a pain in the butt I would have would’ve gotten 16 of them with no backing at all instead of just the 6 I need.


  11. On 6/27/2022 at 6:43 AM, Minanora said:

    Ceramic is fine. If your coasters are ceramic is all good. Most shower and home faucet valve cartridges are made of ceramic. If that gives you any confidence.

    My concern was that they were made of a plaster of some kind. I didn't know they were ceramic. 💚

    You are forgiven my dear!  Now I pulled off the cork on the backing and it’s very sticky. Someone said to rub with rubbing alcohol and let it dry. That did not do one iota

    On 6/27/2022 at 6:09 AM, Tanked said:

    I'm late to the conversation here, but sand has a greater ability to grip the driftwood.  The gravel in the photos doesn't have enough depth to support the driftwood without an attached base.  

    You’re right. I just added more gravel today and I’m still putting on the base ~ those puppies are not coming up again😂

    • Like 1
  12. I already forgot what ORD means and it’s my post😂😂

    On 6/26/2022 at 1:35 PM, Pepere said:

    I add amonia again after testing shows zero Ammonia, zero nitrites.

    Okay Pep ~I just tested and I’m not really sure if it’s safe and going to be stressed😂

    and I’m adding ammonia since I didn’t add it yesterday.  I’m gonna test to my other two things……..which are nitrites and nitrates🙄

    I was wondering when I kept discus I remember and correct me if my wrong ‘cause it’s been a few years ~ it’s okay to have nitrAtes at least 10, but never okay for nitrites?


  13. On 6/26/2022 at 4:45 AM, Georgiapeach88 said:

    Found that vdo a while back. Love watching him aquascape. Always looks amazing. 

    I will check that out!  I love to watch landscaping videos ~ hence what got me into this mess😂😂

    On 6/26/2022 at 11:24 PM, Brandon p said:

    Corys will do fine on gravel as long as it’s ninth sharp angular gravel more gravel sold is ok. 

    Oh. Ok.

    Said no one ever!

  14. I’ve been reading every since I read that post up there about my already purchased, LOL, ceramic tile for my aquarium…

    The consensus  was “ceramic tile of any  kind would be fine. Another quote was:  Simple and very cost effective any type of inert tile is fine ceramic being the most popular.  

    I’m not an idiot you can always find people to agree with you with what you want, in cyberspace. But some of these quotes and a lot of reading I did was from sites that I belong to and people that I trust completely, like here, in a very short time. 

    A discus owner who’s been raising them for years and selling them, uses ceramic tile coasters!  Not specific ones either. Never had a problem.  I was very glad to read that because I’ve raised discus ~  Talk about sensitivity to water conditions🤦‍♀️

    Anyways ~

    i’m a little less paranoid now🤫☺️

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