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Posts posted by sweetpoison

  1. This past Friday at 1:30 in the morning my neighbor on top of me failed to turn off his propane tank on his barbecue. You can only imagine. If you have renters insurance don’t ever cancel it. They are paying for everything for me puppies were in a very nice hotel. It has been a long four days six days actually. I go back to work tomorrow. I don’t know when I’ll be able to get in to get all my stuff but my insurance is paying for the move. My new apartment will be ready on 14 of August so I’m here for six weeks I guess it is . I unplugged my tank at home so I’ve ruined everything apparently right. Is there anything special I should do? Take out the filters?   I’m gonna go there today and take out the wood. I don’t know why just sounds like a good plan🥹. My apartment is OK just water damage ~ the ceiling in the walls so they’ve locked us out~  I am gonna go back today guess I can get some things. 

    I’m so discombobulated you guys have no idea. I have so many friends on Twitter they have sent so much money and so much groceries im popping at the seams here!  Both of my jobs have an awesome. Also we’re on the news channel 13 was there within seconds. But I wanted to let you guys know don’t forget about me because I’ll be back!  Thank God I never got my wet pets yet!

    My apartment‘s on the bottom with a pink porch light🥺










    • Sad 8
  2. On 7/6/2022 at 12:58 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    It looks like some contamination on the testing which can make it difficult to read the results.  Here's an example video to show what can cause it.  I would highly recommend having a towel or paper towel when waiting for the test results to process. I have the same brand you're using and haven't seen any discoloration like that before!


    I think this video made a world of difference thank you so much!  Tell me what you think ~ the dip sticks look a lot better. With no running or bleeding👏

    And the nitrates and nitrites  I can actually see them getting pink or can you?  What do you think of that ammonia?

    You know I wanted to tell you I am keeping filter flossing in my filter along with all my sponges, to clear up my water. I replace the filter floss every couple days.  That’s not messing anything up is it?



    • Like 1
  3. On 7/6/2022 at 5:40 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    If you're dosing bacteria daily, it should be about a week. You're partially there with nitrites showing and nitrates should be 2-3 weeks for it to be fully cycled.  If I *had to guess* that would be my safest estimate. 

    That being said, I don't think you need to do daily WCs with nitrites.  Here is a really good guide by the co-op.




    I have a question.  I tried to copy these and put them in a separate thread so I wouldn’t hijack the original posters thread but it wouldn’t work.

    “nitrogen compounds can potentially kill our fish unless we make sure we have plenty of microorganisms (also known as beneficial bacteria) and plants to consume the waste products

    How do we make sure of this? By testing?



  4. On 7/6/2022 at 6:16 PM, Gwallace said:

    It's not that nitrites are harmless...they are just not as harmful as ammonia.  That being said, now that you have nitrites it seems that your cycle has restarted so you want to avoid any large environmental changes that could disrupt the cycle again.  Let nature take it's course.  Test every 3 or 4 days, do small weekly or even bi-weekly water changes, and most importantly...watch your fish.  If you see something out of line test your water.

    I like this.  It’s going into my notes👏♥️

    On 7/6/2022 at 6:25 PM, GisheryGoodness said:

    Thank you both very much. It can be confusing sometimes to know what to do. 

    That is an understatement!  I am in the process of trying to cycle my fishless tank which I never done before ~ it is not fun or easy.  Requires patience🙄

    Thank God for this place and these people seriously♥️

    Hang in there!

    • Like 2
  5. Oh!  So don’t put it on the bottle like at my picture shows?  I was Very careful not to contaminate those strips it goes in my tank out on the bottle and the directions say not to shake off the excess water so that’s probably why it bleeds

    • Like 1
  6. On 7/6/2022 at 9:32 AM, Patrick_G said:

    In your case a large water change wouldn’t be helpful since you’re doing a fishless cycle and trying to keep a higher level of ammonia in the tank until the cycle is complete. 

    See ~I actually knew this ~ can you believe that Patrick😂

    • Haha 1
  7. It will be ok!  You have some great people helping you♥️ You almost had my contacts floating the way you love that little fish!

    When I kept discus my favorite fish by the way, we never use carbon in our filters only if we’re trying to take out medication from the tank. To this day I never use carbon I just sit it aside when I get a new tank and add lots of sponge filters and bio beads.  I was always taught that using carbon can take out good stuff and cause problems.

    But keep in mind, I have been out of the game for a few years!  I just set up a 20 gallon tank and I’m cycling it fishless, and I don’t have carbon in my filter.

    On 7/5/2022 at 8:53 PM, Patrick_G said:

    If you're seeing ammonia then you're still in the process of re-establishing your cycle. It can take a few weeks. Once the bacteria is re-established they’ll convert the ammonia to Nitrite and then to less toxic Nitrate. Floating plants are especially good at removing ammonia so adding some of those will help, but large water changes are key. 

    “Floating plants are especially good at removing ammonia so adding some of those will help, but large water changes are key”

    Good to know! 


  8. On 7/5/2022 at 7:58 AM, eatyourpeas said:

    Thanks for the reference, @Biotope Biologist.

    Yes, I have three Apricot Vampire crabs that are almost a year old. They are fun, even though they hid a lot in the beginning. Will eat snails, but not touch the Neocaridina shrimp.

    Happy to see someone else getting them! 😃 🦀

    Well you are my new best friend♥️👏 do you have pictures of your tank and your wet pet?

    Apricot Vampire Crab ~  have not heard that one… off to Google

    It will be a while, right now I’m learning how to cycle a tank without a seeded sponge!  And did you know it doesn’t happen on its own just by watching it?🙄You have to like add ammonia or something🤦‍♀️

    I’m gonna get Crabs though.

    That didn’t sound very good!😩

  9. On 7/5/2022 at 7:43 AM, Patrick_G said:

    I’ve been considering a Paludarium or riparium type setup. I actually have a Aquatop rimless 20 gallon tall that would work well. I'd probably shoot for about five gallons of water so I could have a few fish or inverts. 

    The dream would be one of the large DOOA setups. 



    Vivaruim, Riparuim, Paludarium!!  I’ve been reading and reading about these three things!  Definitely have to have a lid for no escapees.  I also couldn’t find ~ do I HAVE to have live plants?  That could be a dealbreaker for me🥺

    I’ve taken on the challenge of fake and silk plants in my new aquarium😂 they may not be less expensive but I can’t kill them🤗

    I really wanna do one of these because I want my vampire crab!  I saw a tiny kit for beginners….

  10. Thank you so much ~ I like the way you post for one to be able to understand what you’re saying👏 And the patience from everybody is astounding♥️ @Beardedbillygoat1975 I’ve never had to cycle a tank this way!  I would just pull sponges from my other ones.  I was such an idiot to sit here and wait for it to cycle and I haven’t even done anything to it🙄🥴😂

    OK ~ I just tested Nitrates they are trying!  Ammonia seems to be the same as yesterday



  11. @Odd DuckI think I already told you this. I just tested just now and ammonia at 3.0. The Nirates are trying to get to 10 trying to turn pink!

    I’m supposed to dose another three ML‘s of ammonia today should I?

    I think I should merge all of my threads together I’m getting so confused where everything is🥺

  12. On 1/27/2022 at 5:09 PM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

    Day 3 . Fun to see those tiny puffer fry zipping around from overhead. Everything in the photo not duckweed is a Pao cf. palustris fry. I am looking to get 30-40 to 30 days in a 20 gallon then to 3 months in a 50 gallon grow out if we get them eating this week. This batch should be fun to improve witb even if that is learning what to not try next batch.



    Those are incredible views excellent shot!👏♥️📸

    • Thanks 1
  13. OK I’m supposed to add more ammonia today I think that I’m at 3.0. 

    Nitrates almost pink or trying to be pink. No Nitrite.

    Continue adding ammonia? What is the next step in one short or two, sentences that I will understand hopefully😂👏


    on 6/26 I had 0.5 ~ just an FYI 

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